Thursday, May 31, 2012

--getting-a-good-bod( skin-tight/good muscle tone)--

     the other day, while pursuing a good body appearance, and function( like so many others around the globe), it occurred to me that the exact goal, most gym-goers are trying to reach, is a skin-tight appearance, with good muscle-tone( the desired degree of "being ripped", may vary, from person-to-person)--

   getting there--

    i feel the best way to achieve this goal, could be less dramatic than we imagine, and i also suggest, that by coupling two known concepts together, the goal can be realized, with moderate( and less dangerous) effort...


   "jenny craig", the concept is about counting calories...caloric intake is regulated, and kept at a level that produces fat-loss...this idea is sound, to pursue this concept at home, a person must read the caloric amounts in everything they eat( packaged food only, with a caloric total on the label), in this way, the total number of calories per day, can be easily measured, and thus regulated--

   by going online, and "google-ing" bmi caloric intake, you will likely find a good bmi calc, for your daily caloric intake needs( per age, height, weight, ect...), i like the one at "  "...

    by using this measuring tool, to roughly "calc", your daily "resting-caloric-requirements"( sitting on the couch and merely processing oxygen), you can then tailor your intake, to a slight deficit( about 600 less), to create a slow, sustained, weight loss( i believe this is the way "jenny craig" achieves results, for those that stick to their program exactly)--


    "any-time fitness", a place to use the best equipment, at any hour what-so-ever, allowing exercise to be absolutely possible( regardless of your personal schedule)..."jenny-craig", counts calories...i believe that the coupling of the two together( "jenny-craig/anytime") is the best answer for most...


   when we are young, our body's naturally know how much food we need to intake for the day( for our body's metabolic rate/activity levels), eventually, most of us experience this mechanism beginning to work less well( miss-calibrated), what exactly, is functioning improperly, and how to repair it, is still a mystery( i am working the problem, stay tuned, for my "bmi-calc" post on this blog, and also my "cellular re-training" post), but, even without discovering the exact issue, i feel we can achieve the desired results--

     i suggest, that by combining a regular, sustained increase, in heart-rate( a slow walk), for at least 20 minutes per day( at first), then 1 hour per day( after you become acclimated to the work-load), and perhaps more later( a 1 hour walk on a treadmill, twice per day), an increased metabolic rate, can be generated, while there is a slight daily-caloric deficit, resulting in a "fat-burning situation" on all of the body's exterior surfaces--

    i feel this concept is far better than super-fasting, due to the body interpreting this situation negatively, similar to it being dropped into the desert, with no food( a starvation issue being present), for this reason, immediately after the fast is over, the body usually adapts, via packing-on the fat-stores( in case you are again stranded in the sahara)...

p.s. : --( camel dung may work as sun-screen, but possibly repel rescuers)--

   body weight/set-point--

   i suggest, that the body resists extreme weight fluctuations, both above, or below, it's natural "set-point", thus, slow consistent weight-loss, seems to be the kind that could be, that if the body looses weight slowly, the body will establish a new "set-point", for it's natural weight, explaining why weight lost slowly, over time, stays off, and rapid reductions usually do not--

  body-sculpting( "smart-jock" phenomenon)--

   using the above principals to achieve a near-skin-tight bod, before beginning the task of "body-sculpting", may be a wise angle of attacking the problem, often those that begin exercising, to become "more attractive", or "fit", will go wild at the gym, and find themselves with injuries, or an "imbalanced body", from "blind" work-outs--

a mantra for beginners--

--( i feel, that if you are over 100 pounds over-weight, running 10 miles, and collapsing...may not produce the best results)--

   also of note( in my opinion), randomly increasing the size, and strength, of muscles on the body, when you are unable to see what you have to work with( what's pumped, and whats puny), beneath the layer of "flab" you are trying to do not desirable( body-sculpting is probably less difficult when the subject is skin-tight)--

   why reduce fat before body sculpting??

    if-only we could see what is going on under the "flab" with "x-ray goggles", it would be obvious, what muscles we needed to work on, to create a "balance", and "visual-symmetry"...this seems to be the concept being utilized in body sculpting, after the athlete is "skin-tight" their body is carefully analyzed, and the specific muscles "out-of-natural-proportions" are targeted, to create good proportions of the athlete's body--

   the point--

    in short, i feel that regardless of the athletic pursuit a person would like to engage in, dropping the weight "not performing"( fat), seems to be a beneficial idea, as well as having a balanced physique( sculpted body), at the start of training--

  bmi calcing short-falls--

   i am working on re-defining "bmi calculation techniques"...the height, weight, age, sex, and the other usual things measured, provide close numbers...but, i feel there are more variables needed, to derive the efficiency that a subject's body can absorb calories, and expel what remains( metabolism)--

the skinny--

  by deriving the amount of time it takes( in minutes), to consume, and pass( void), a given amount of food( a known amount of calories), via timing a food with dye in it, moving through the gut, to show the rate of travel that the nutrients are moving, and then measuring the rate of caloric consumption( in btus lost per-minute, at a given temperature, with no, or minimal, clothing/insulation), the exact "resting metabolic rate" could be known( for more details, see my upcoming "bmi-calc" post)--


  afterward, the concept of "cellular retraining" could then be utilized, to restore gut function( see "cellular retraining" post)--


    i feel that a great increase in fitness is possible, after a good base-level of body-fat ratio is reached( slim/good cartio-function), i am a huuuge fan of "p-90 x"( the concept works), but, i feel the system is for regular/serious/professional athletes, and not for those "starting out"...that said, for those still in "flabby-land", i believe the principal of "muscle confusion" may be of use for dieting, i am going to begin varying the duration of my caloric restriction/sustained exercise, to prevent "dietary plateaus"( the same way "p-90-x" prevents "muscle building plateaus", in that system), in this way, i feel the body can be adapted, to varying caloric and exercise levels, without drastic weight fluctuations--


  during the "muscle-building" phase of body-sculpting, more fuel may be needed, to make mass/muscle--

   "tummy confusion"--

    by building muscle, while not worrying about calories( after initial slim-down), and then going back to a deficit of calories( during a period of sustained increased metabolism, through walking, swimming, biking, ect...), the body can be "bulked-up", and then re-slimmed manageable stages, until the desired physique/fitness-level is obtained, at which time, a maintenance exercise regiment can be deployed, to retain the goals you have reached--

  male/female fat-deposit site correlations--

  the men--

    for men, the area fat is usually deposited( stored), seems to be the chest/abdominal region...i suggest, that the reason for this site gaining "fat-stores" on a man's body, is to enhance the subject's "fight-or-flight" response...the area seems to be chosen to reduce heat loss through the gut, enhancing digestion, the ability to build lean muscle, and cushioning any blows( injuries), to this important region of the body...i further suggest, that younger men( those in their prime), do not require this adaptation( as their digestive/circulatory systems are at peak performance, during this time in their lives), i contend, that as we age, the digestive/circulatory systems begin to wane, and this reduced function,  is then countered( by storing fat) enough to maintain good digestive function...


   a warning, the issue can get out of control, becoming a negative cycle in the direction of death...the more fat that is stored, the less work( exercise/effort), is done( expended) by the subject, resulting in more fat being stored by the body( if food intake levels remain constant, or increase)...the cycle repeats, until the body is no longer viable( deceased)--

  the ladies--

    the situation appears to be similar in women, in my experience( personal observations), fat stores are most commonly deposited in the area from the navel to the knees, on female subjects( initially)...i suggest, that the reason for this site being chosen by a women's body, to deposit fat, is to enhance the woman's ability to conceive/bear a child...if this is correct, increased fat-stores in this region, will likely be found to bolster( enhance), the incubation abilities of "older women"( ladies in their later child-bearing years), possibly delaying menopause( the ultimate end of child-bearing) may be, that younger women do not require this adaptation, due to the "near-perfect" function, of all their systems to conceive a child...

 conclusion( fat deposits)--

   in our modern age, we have so many more advantages than our fore-fathers did, that excess fat is no longer needed to assist us, after functions within the body begin to fade...instead, we can find ways to refresh them, and leave the fat behind...

 best wishes, john kruschke--

Saturday, May 26, 2012

--randori w/client( protection)--

   i was watching my favorite akido video the other day( "BA11 Randori Steven Segal"), on youtube(uploaded by "akididogr"), and a wild idea came to mind, for a new system...

 randori with client protection--

     the same physical koan, of the entire world trying to whip your butt, all at once, with the added challenge of deflecting, or preventing, any harm what-so-ever, being done to your "client", or "charge"...

 the question--

     is this even possible, with this added difficulty...i was thinking that practicing/developing this system might yield some new solutions, to an ancient physical problem( and some bruises, or lumps in the process), at any rate, the video is worth a look, there are serious things going on in each frame--

 best wishes, john kruschke--

Friday, May 25, 2012

--detroit/small factory opportunities( a new way)--


    once the home of the "big three", a place that was "all-in" for the hand, of the high stakes thing we call "making cars"...some how, everyone folded, and moved the tables elsewhere, what tables there are, are smaller, and the ante isn't as steep--


    detroit could "follow-suit" with the big three...and instead of betting on one manufacturer, of one particular type of product, perhaps having many smaller factories, of varying brands, would work the same as one large auto-maker, providing all the work in town...i am imagining, that a person starting a new company, might find available workers, and a factory with good floor-space, in detroit( at a reasonable rate, with good terms)--

 the point--

    throughout history, adversity has presented some advantages...i believe "starter-companies" could thrive in detroit, the factories are there, and the workers, the missing thing seems to be smaller companies, with good products to be made--

    --(if one small factory goes under, ten more small others remain...and life goes on)--

    some "food for thought" this morning...

                                                                           --best wishes,
                                                                                         john kruschke--

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

--the chevy volt( and Wisconsin)---


    a potential "hub of quality", a place where cheap products like thumb-tacks are hard to make( high labor costs), but a great place to manufacture the very best product, of any kind--

    i believe the reality of America, truly is, that "we can't make junk"...but we pay our employees well, and for this reason, we can obtain levels of quality not available elsewhere...and that by "embracing the high-end" of the manufacturing spectrum, both Wisconsin, and America, in it's entirety, can go back to work...making the highest quality goods on the market--

  as an example, in Janesville Wisconsin, there is a closed factory, for making GM cars...and GM's "chevy volt" is soon to grace the roadways of this world, i feel the "volt" will be a ground-breaking vehicle( that is both needed, and desirable), perhaps the "volt" could be made there, and the batteries that power it, produced here in Madison( as i recall, Rayovac was located here for a time)??...


   yes, i am exited about the "volt", and other vehicles of it's kind( as i am a serious "HMV" fan...the old "free-way" in particular), it could be, that the potential for great solutions, to America's many problems, are there--


   i suggest, that if a gallon of gas yields more miles( from better mpg of vehicle), then it's value is equal, to the same gas sold in 1963( lower mpg yield from vehicle, but lower cost of gas)..."at the end of the day", the "usage", or "total units sold", is what counts, in 1963 it cost a dime to get a gallon of gas, and America drove everywhere( at some movie theaters, i hear you didn't even have to get out of the car??)--

   i feel this shows, that if cars get better mileage, people will drive them more, a lot more, thus "usage" will be higher, and at a much greater "price-point" for the vendors, as the ten million barrels sold a day, in 1963, at 10 cents, will be the ten million barrels per day, we sell $3.50 per gallon, instead of 10 cents--

the heart of the matter--

   for the sellers of gas, usage is the bottom line, but, higher usage is also good for America's economy, and the rest of the auto world( the more miles you drive, the faster the parts will wear out, the more often the car will require service, or the faster a new car will be needed, ect...)--

   this higher mpg would also reduce emissions per car, as well as "unite the country", due to the great distance between the two coasts of our nation, currently being a barrier, for many whom might otherwise explore our borders( i love to travel)--

flex-fueling stations( the future of the gas station)--

   also of note, i really see the electric part of "hybrids", and even "plug-ins", as another thing we put in the car to make it go farther, no different than a finer grade of oil, or a better grade of gas, that increases the vehicle's mileage, and that the future of the gas station, is to become a "flex-fueling station", where they will offer "quick-charges", for "hybrids", and other "plug-ins", that work the same as the gas pump dispensers, but dispense electricity instead( making them the same money, or "price point", as gasoline...for dispensing it), we like things quick in America( no waiting for ten hours to charge here)--

economic benefits of "flex fueling stations"/higher gas mileage--

  in the past, when people had free-time, they would take "day-trips" to see the sights, "road-trips" to see America, and so forth, when they got there, and along the way, they spent money( perhaps in your town), thus "spreading the wealth"( money), throughout the nation( if you could go to "Mt Rush-more" for 100 bucks, at 10 cents a gallon in 1963, and for the same 100 bucks today, at 3.50 a gallon, due to increased gas mileage, the results are equal...the person makes the trip)...i feel these will be the results of the "HMV" becoming "mainstream"--

standardization( of all fuels)--

    regardless of the fuel, in most countries, the quality of the fuel being sold, must be both standardized, and regulated, for this reason...i feel that, even if cars ran on water, the type of water, and it's special colour( to verify it's quality, and grade), would be regulated, and only available from an authorized merchant, to assure quality standards( i believe "Loyds of london", began testing the quality of ale on the other side of the pond, a while back, for similar reasons)...

the point--

     so, some day, i think there will be a pump for each of the possible fuels( the most popular fuel at the time, will have the most pumps), but where the fuel is dispensed, will not change, and that the place we go( the "flex-fueling station"), to obtain validated, and standardized, grades of fuel, will remain a constant--

best wishes... john kruschke--

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

--kevlar mine-blockers( gi-joe's under-oos)--

    i noticed something on tv today, while at the laundry-mat, a soldier was saved from having injury to his pelvis, after a land-mine his briefs...

crazy idea--

   the US military has finally found a way to "*@#$-block" a land-mine, was what initially came to mind, after that, i noted the GI was missing a foot, not cool, perhaps the fabric in question might make good socks( knee-high, or crew length)??--

                          ( i hope this concept is viable, and is deployed...)

  best wishes, john kruschke--

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

--rain barrel/flood-water delay concept(smart-barrels)--

  the concept--

    if an average american roof collects 4, 50 gallon barrels of water, after a 3 inch rainfall, times 100 roofs in the neighborhood, 20,000 gallons of water is diverted from the sewer system, as each roof acts as a collector, and the barrels at each corner of the house, are storage bins, if, after the rain has subsided, and the streets are dry( or the flood-threat has passed), the barrels could then be pumped empty( via a sump-pump in each barrel), to be ready for the next large rain-fall, thus eliminating flooding in low-lying areas--


   for those that garden, the water is of use for irrigation, but, for all, there is the benefit of flood-water diversion, if this problem exists in the area...

   here are the rough numbers i gathered in my head, while walking the other day( and the reason i believe, a rain-gauge should be 1 inch square, and graduated in milliliters, to make math easy for roof-top rain collection computations)--

the numbers--

     a roof 50 ft x 100 = 5,000  square feet

  5,000 sq feet x 144 sq inches = "roof sq inches"  (720,000 sq inches)

  720,000 "roof sq inches" x milliliters of rain in rain-gauge = "total milliliters collected" by roof

 "total milliliters collected", is then converted to "gallons expected" in rain barrels

  gallons per home x number of homes in flood-zone = "gallons of water prevented"( flood waters)...

 (the longhand of these figures will be posted soon)--

the point--

   i feel that stemming a flood, by delaying a large volume of the rain-fall, until after the rain stops( a pre-set number of hours), and then releasing the stored/prevented water, in a second, controlled "micro-flood", may prove effective...

"smart-barrel" construction--

   the device to accomplish this, could be a simple automatic drain valve, for a person's rain barrels on the gutters of their home, consisting of, a simple 12 volt electric water valve( like those used in RV's), a battery to power it, a solar panel to charge the battery, a timer, and a sound-sensor( that hears the droplets of water hitting the top of the barrel...thus turning the timer on), this electronic timer, would then count the minutes/seconds that pass, after sensing the rain has stopped( no sound of rain-droplets hitting the top of the barrel), immediately following the pre-set time having passed( three time-settings, or off ), the drain-valve would then open, or a pump would turn on( 12 volt RV water pump), thus emptying the barrel...flood averted--

 --best wishes, john kruschke--

--the bermuda triangle(swirly correlation factors)--

  crazy idea-- 

   i was thinking the reason so many ships, planes, ect... go missing in the "bermuda triangle", is due to a "swirly" of magma, in the earths core, acting directly beneath the dreaded nautical area, causing navigation to be impossible, and escape not an option...

--radiation clean-up via "free-rad" pylons( Chernobyl/Nagasaki/Hiroshima correlations)--

  a flash-in-the-pan today, of possible importance, for Chernobyl, and Japan--

    i was thinking about the clean-up of lakes and streams, via large amounts of fish stocking( each fish is a small filter, trapping pollutants), i then turned my thoughts to issues on land( radiation from nuclear accidents)...the question...can it be trapped, and filtered in the same way??... i feel the answer is yes... Nagasaki is still inhabited in Japan, at safe levels of radiation, and Chernobyl is not...why??... i believe the answer is, that Nagasaki and Hiroshima where not abandoned, and that the people who remained there, soaked up all the free-roaming radiation, from the bomb( "free-rads"), like small filters( capturing radiation from the environment there, and rendering it harmless)--

    the Japanese cleared these areas in far less than a thousand years( the hard way), can this be done without sacrificing people??...perhaps releasing large numbers of deer in Chernobyl would be of use, to capture "free-rads", and to allow radiation levels to be monitored( via randomly testing the deer herd, each year), to observe radiation levels in their tissues, that are absorbing the radiation, and clearing the site--

   also of note, it could be possible, that the technology to absorb, and diffuse, "free-rads", is already in use today, if a simple "glow-stick" is out there, with a material that captures radiation, inside the stick, thereby causing it to glow( a "glow-stick"), this could be used to check the quantity of radiation present at a site...

   i further suggest, this could be the ultimate answer to the problem, entirely, via deploying an enormous "pylon", or "glow-stick", at the site being cleared of "free-rads" could be located in the center of town, or perhaps, there could be many, in key locations, to capture "free-rads", and dissipate light energy...possibly each home could have a small one, in the living room( about the size of a desk-lamp), or an even smaller one, in every room??... i feel that this concept of capturing "free-rads", and then dissipating them( in the form of light), could be viable, if a "radiation-activated glow-stick", is already a reality--

    in any case, i feel the reason that Japan cleaned up Hiroshima, and Nagasaki, so quickly, is due to both places not being abandoned, and that the people there absorbed the radiation...for the benefit of those to come--

 best wishes, john kruschke--

Sunday, May 13, 2012

--shark tooth regeneration theory--

   i had a wild idea a few days ago, about these sea creatures, and their lack of dental needs, here are my thoughts on the matter--

the skinny--

    i suggest, that the reason sharks regrow new teeth, and other creatures do not, is due to the teeth not being "teeth" at all, and are in fact, the finger nails of the beast, the sharks tooth, springs forth from a "cuticle", in the gums of the shark, thus, the mouth of the shark, can be seen as it's hand( making good sense, as the shark does all of it's manipulation of objects, with it's mandibles)--

   this could explain why the teeth regrow, and if this concept is sound, the teeth of the shark would have no marrow( like other creatures teeth do, that are made of bone), making them less hard, and damage resistant, but infinitely renewable( unlike other teeth)--

   also of note, i feel that the alignment of the teeth is kept "optimal", from constant grinding of the teeth( even while sleeping), to file them against each other( creating a razor sharp edge, and proper alignment)--


   this leads me to ponder about possible tooth repairs for man...can we deposit calcium on the top of a persons tooth??...via evaporation( like is found inside an old, and often used, steam kettle??), would this adhere??...and then be smoothed( possibly by some chemical means, via slightly dissolving the added calcium, to both smooth, and well adhere it)??--


    another concept i am thinking about, stems from the few times i have heard a dentist say a tooth has decayed "to close to the pulp" to repair...i suggest, a "dental plug", shaped like a diamond, could be made from an adjacent tooth-top, and used to make a repair-floor, to seal the tooth from the filling material added on top( making the repair safe from problems arising from infection or filling material poisoning)--

extreme dentistry--

   perhaps a system of "extreme-dentistry" could be derived, via extracting the tooth, and putting it in a veery small vise, with a digital read-out, to show the exact clamping pressure, to allow the tooth to be fully repaired, outside the mouth, and then re-inserted immediately( i suggest, that if a tooth has been knocked-out, and it can be re-implanted, if done soon enough, then this may be viable), for teeth highly damaged, or "at the gum-line" this way, tooth extraction, for full restoration, and reinsertion, could prove to be the best course of action, in some cases...also, if a cavity is "at the gum-line", the tooth might be removed, then repaired where damaged, in the gum area( at, or below, "the gum-line"), afterward, a cap could be put on the tooth, that extends to, or slightly into, the gum-line, to protect the repair...i present these ideas to those in the dental community, to chat about, between cleanings and such...

    if there are any hard feelings, due to loss of work/wages from the tooth fairy, as a result of these concepts being developed, i would like to convey my sympathies at this time...

--best wishes, john kruschke--