Tuesday, January 31, 2012

-- i-phone- to i-phone automotive tech support--

   i am starting a website, for those with "i-phones", for automotive tech support/problem identification...

the concept--

   the service would allow an "i-phone" user to send "streaming video" to the "tech-site", and the "site" would then route the "streaming video" to a "tech"( acting as a hub), that has agreed to work the problem( like a video "click-and-clack" forum), this would basically be a bulletin board/switch-board, that routed problems to "techs"( videos), within the labor-pool of the "site"...any "techs" that would like to participate, should give me a call( after i have the "site's" particulars figured out)--

   "lady-techs" welcome...

                                                    --coming soon--

--Colt 45 "cantilever-safety"( dove-tail-delete, 3-action safety)--

    design for Colt only...

--barrel compensation/sight weight calc--

       this calc, is for the good folks at Colt, maker of great fire arms, and a fair fight...if there's trouble--


Friday, January 27, 2012

--low gravity/minimal atmosphere life probabilities--

the concept--  

   i feel it might be possible, for life forms to exist, on a planet, or moon, that has both low gravity, and minimal atmosphere...in the case of our moon, or other moons, this could be possible, if the lifeforms were located near the line between the dark, and light side...due to the correct heat range being present, for life to be created, right on the line, between light and dark( creating the correct temp, in a small range)...therefore, i suggest, that the "thermal difference", and changes in temp, created by the changing angle of the moon, to the sun, might create small amounts of condensate( water), that are pulled out of the surface of the planet, or the ultra-thin atmosphere, a few inches from the surface--


    lastly, i believe that by using "distance to geo-sync" math( see "distance to geo-sync" post), the potential range of the atmosphere( height above the surface), could be derived, by knowing the weight of the moon...


   if you calc the moon's distance in feet, from the planet it orbits, you then know the weight( in pounds), of the orbiting moon( see "distance to geo-sync" post)...

best wishes, john kruschke--


--the sweet spot(geo-sync orbit that supports life)--

 the sweet-spot--

    i suggest, there is a "sweet-spot", that is precisely the right distance from the sun, to allow a breathable atmosphere, enough gravity, and heat from the sun, to create life--

    i also feel, that since all orbits decay( in my opinion...as i am not aware of any of our birds unintentionally getting away), an orbiting body, moves in the direction of the gravitational force(planet, sun, ect...), and therefore, all of the planets in our solar system, are indeed, headed towards the sun...this would suggest to me, that Venus, or Mercury, was the last planet to be in the correct range, to support life, and that Mars will be the next in line, to enjoy this "sweet-spot", that creates a livable planet, for us all--

   if this concept is true, then i feel it's possible NASA has been sending probes in the wrong direction, to find evidence of life on another planet( in our solar system), and that a probe(or rover/bot) to Venus, or Mercury, may yield the desired results( of finding evidence of life on another planet, in our solar system)--


--narration for the visually impaired--

   i would be honoured, beyond measure, if Carl Segan would narrate these blog posts... so a person might click on an icon, and hear a great spokesman in the scientific community, speak about these ideas, to promote science, discovery, and creative thinking...i am putting "( cs)" at the base of the posts that i would like him to narrate...

best wishes, john kruschke--

   P.S.  :  i was thinking maybe Allen Alda "( aa)" would be a good speaker for the
medical posts( if he's interested...)--

Thursday, January 26, 2012

--water condensation/production, from water vapour in air( humidity)calc--

  i am posting the calc, but the device( the endless-canteen), is...

--hot air balloon thermo-dynamics(hero's engine)--

   the concept--

    a hot air balloon rises from the convection of cold air rushing into the balloon, around the edges, and increasing speed, due to the small opening in the balloon, that leads into the large area, that the hot air is blown into, acting as a venturi...cold air rushes to the warm air, to become heated( joining the jumble of hot air), thus increasing the cold air's, "harmonic resonance"(see "harmonic resonance" post), this increased speed, creates a low pressure area, around the rim of the balloon's opening, but... in the center of the balloon, there is "thermal reversion"( as seen in automobile engines), if this is correct, warm air should be felt coming out, of the direct center of the balloon, and into the basket--

the how--

        some heat is lost through the balloon's outer layer, to the cooler air outside the balloon, from the small "air-halo", or "air-pocket", very near the balloon's skin( all objects in our atmosphere have them, see "thermo-dynamics front-to-back" post)...the cold air, and warm air, jumble in, and mix( cold air molecules join the jumble, and hot air molecules are kicked out...radiating hot molecules)--

       once the "thermal differential" between hot air in the balloon, and the air outside, begin to equalize, the balloon starts to drop, as there is no, or not enough, hot air, coming out of the balloon's opening, pushing it upward...and no cold air coming in( through the outer edges of it's opening), up the sides, and "convecting" in the balloons bulb--


       i suggest, that hot air is not lighter than cold air, and that they are the same weight, the difference is, one has a greater number of collisions per second, than the other...i feel, that a balloon with hot air only, that has been sealed( no opening), will not rise...( an untested concept)--

hero's engine--

      "hero's engine", utilizes the same concept, and has a narrow opening( venturi), that hot air flows out of, creating a simple "thermal engine"...although "hero's engine" uses heat from the outside of the device, to heat the air inside, instead of the hot air being blown into it, the concept remains the same, as well as the result--


      yes, in your home there is hotter air nearest the ceiling, but, i think this may be only due to the ground being the "cold air source"...meaning, in the winter the ground is frozen, and the air from the ground( trying to thaw), "convecting" to the hot air in the ceiling, thus draws cold air in, from outside your home, closest to the ground( a "draft"), and then radiates heat out the roof, and other areas near the top of the structure( basically, it works like a comet does, where the coldest side looses temperature, in the direction of the hot side of the comet, in a regular cycle)--

best wishes, john kruschke--


Wednesday, January 25, 2012

--velocity/straight-drop calc( in atmosphere)--

      velocity calc--

    (pounds)      (distance)        (foot-pounds)
    (weight)  -    (in atmo)    =       (force)             (distance to geo-sync interposed...in atmo)
      100      -        1           =         99

    (foot-pounds)                            (foot-pounds per-sec)
        ( force)        %   (sec)   =        (force per second)--
           99            %     60     =                 1.65
     (foot-pounds per sec)              (feet)            (inertia x sec)
   ( force per sec, per sec)   x     (distance)   =     (velocity)
               1.65                              100         =        165
      (velocity)    %     (sec)  =   (sec to bird-feeder)
         165         %      60     =            2.75    

        calc to mph--

        (1 mile in feet)    %       (distance)            (multiplier)
             5280            %           100          =        528

       (multiplier)          (sec to bird-feeder)          (sec to reach 1 mile)
           528         x               2.75               =              1452

 (sec to reach 1 mile)   %     (sec in 1 hour)  =    (un-modified mph)  (deploy decimal putting)
           1452                %          3600           =          0.40333            (system, bang right 2 )
                                                      (first put)
         (un-modified mph)   =        (mod-tenths)      
                0.40333            =           4.0333               

              (second put)
          (mod-hundredths)    =       (mph)
                4.0333              =      40.333

   velocity calc w/drag(skydiving)--

         the problem...

   200 pound man(all gear included), with a 2000 square inch parachute(open), dropping 100 feet = how much time to "bird-feeder", and how fast does he drop--


      (pounds)                                           (pounds)            (pounds)
      (weight   %  sq inches)  =   (drag)  +  (weight)  =    (square-weight) 
        200      %   2000        =   -10     +      200     =          190

       (pounds)         (distance)          (sq foot-pounds)
     (sq-weight )  -   (in atmo)    =           (force)
         190                    1          =             189

   (sq foot-pounds)                              (sq foot-pounds per sec)
         (force)            %      (sec)     =        (sq force per sec)
           189              %        60                        4.8333

     (sq foot-pounds)   x       (feet)
    (sq force per sec)   x   (distance)   =    (velocity)
            4.8333                   100               148.333

    (velocity)    %    (sec)   =     (sec to bird-feeder)
     148.33      %     60     =           4.41666

     calc to mph--

   (1 mile in feet)   %        (distance)           (multiplier)
         5280           %           100         =         528   

    (multiplier)    x     (sec to bird-feeder)   =     (sec to reach 1 mile)
        528          x           4.41666             =           119.54735

(sec to reach 1 mile)    %  (sec in 1 hour)  =  (un-modified mph)  (deploy decimal putting)
      119.54735            %        3600         =         0.0332             (system, bang right 2)
                                                     (first put)
           (un-modified mph)   =      (mod-tenths)
                  0.0332             =          0.332

                (second put)
            (mod-hundredths)   =        (mph)
                    0.332             =         3.32

    it seems the decimal must be banged back over two places, to the right(once for each place, in the feet catagory)--

                     seconds to bird-feeder   =    4.41666   (sec)
                                             speed    =     3.32        (mph)
       best wishes, john kruschke--

 this one is good, but i am still tiding up the post so it reads easy...more later(out of time at the library)--

--fast piston-strong rods-3/4-race cam--

   something for friends in Nascar/open wheels( Budweiser team)--


Monday, January 23, 2012

--calc for determining foot-pounds at the base of multi-story buildings--

   this calc shows the foot-pounds of force on a building
( per-floor, and at the base, or foundation)--


Sunday, January 22, 2012

--nascar/open wheels budweiser racing team--

    i have a few calcs of interest to Nascar, one that gives the foot-pounds of force on each tire, as a car turns a corner on the track--

    another that tells how much down-force the car has( on each wheel), showing at what pitch, and sq -inches of wing, give what amount of force( weight to the wheels), on the loaded side, and the unloaded side...this calc also gives the speed that the tires break friction from the track in a turn( that's bad)--

    also, some new techniques( or old ones, i am not aware are in use already), to build a race engine, that is "super potent"( and within the rules), as well as a few special ways to set up the car, and determine it's behavior--

  my info is on the side-bar...

                                              --best wishes, john kruschke--

Friday, January 20, 2012

--calc to determine prop shaft/prop blade tips rpm--

  the first part of the calc, is about finding the force being applied to each blade of the prop, that is facing the wind...

  first stage--


   1)  the weight of one cubic foot of air, in pounds =  0.0807, ( i looked that up on the internet)... i utilized this value in my "mph to foot-pounds" post as well--

   2)  then divided by 36( to get the weight of 1 cubic inch of air, in pounds) = 0.00224

   3)  then, crunch numbers with "mph to foot-pounds per-second" calc...

    mph to foot-pounds per-second calc--

   ( 1 cubic inch of air)  - ( feet per-sec)   =    ( foot-pounds per-sec)
         (weight)   -               ( distance)      =      ( force per sq-inch, per-sec)
        0.00224   -               (1.46 x mph)   =             -1.45776
                                           1.46 x 1      

as we see, the "foot-pounds per-sec" value above, is a negative number( in foot-pounds), so we must "putt"...and we shall--

  1.45776(foot-pounds) x 1.3558( modifier) = 1.97643( newton meters)

    a single putt( for eagle)--

   ( foot-pounds)   =   ( newton meters)
      .145776                  .197643

here we are back in whole numbers...happy-time...( as the number is not too many decimals small, i am going to go with "foot-pounds" again)--   :o)

  4) then plug .145776 "foot-pounds per-sec", into the prop calc--

 (  foot-pounds of )     (sq inches)        (prop)
 (force per sq-inch)     (per blade)        (pitch)   (prop)           (# of   )    (degrees of) (divided)
 (       per sec       )  x (facing wind) +(angle)+ (radius) x 2 x (blades) x(  rotation  )(by)(sec)
 (     .145776        ) x (  33 +               45    +  12 x     2 x      3 x            360      % 60)= rpm

   .145776 x  (33+45+12 x 2 x 3 x 360 % 60) = 3240.00(  rpm at the shaft)

  5) then multiply the prop shaft rpm x 0.021 to calc prop tip rpm( 68.04)--

    prop shaft rpm-to prop tip rpm calc--

     (shaft rpms)        ( modifier)         ( prop-tip rpms)
      3240.00     x        0.021       =          68.04

  i believe this calc can be utilized to derive the proper size of prop to install on a windmill for the conditions( expected wind), it will encounter while in service...also, this math may prove useful if a "hydraulic variable-pitch prop" is in service on the mill...a computer, programmed to change prop pitch, to keep the blades "spinning within the mean", and generating peak power, even if wind is low, may be needed--

 best wishes, john kruschke--

--calc for converting mph to foot-pounds--

  mph to foot-pounds conversion--

  5,280 feet per-hour = 1 mph

convert 5,280 feet per-hour, to feet per-min--
( 5,280 feet divided by 60 = 88 ft per-min )

convert feet per-min, to feet per-second--
( 88 feet per-min, divided by 60 = 1.46666 feet per-second)

feet per-second x number of miles per-hour = ft per-second( at said mph)--

feet per-sec calc--

( modifier)        (mph)
 1.46666     x     60     =   27.996 ft per-sec( at 60 mph)

  calc for foot-pounds of ( wind/object)--

                             ( convert mph)
    ( pounds)          ( to ft per-sec)
      weight       -      feet per-sec          =    foot-pounds, per-sec force is applied( at 60 mph)
      4,000       -         27.996               =                     3,972.004

 --in the case of wind, the weight of 1 cubic foot of air( 0.0807 lbs ), is divided by 36 = cubic-inches, to get the weight of 1 cubic-inch of air in lbs( 0.00224 lbs)--

   wind example--

          ( lbs)
        ( weight)          -      ( 1.46 x mph)              ( foot-pounds)
  1 cubic inch of air   -       feet per-sec        =     force per sq-inch
        0.00224                    1.46 x 10                  -14.59776

we have a negative #...not good( in pounds), so, we must utilize the "decimal putting system", to regain a whole #, this seems to be a two-put( a "math-birdie"), by converting to newton meters, we can get there...

 calc to newton meters--

   ( foot pounds)          ( modifier)         ( newton meters)
      14.59776         x     1.3558      =       19.79164


  by dropping the "minus" in front of 14.59776, and calcing to newton meters, we get 19.79164 newton meters, if we then bang the decimal over to the left, two places, for both values in the problem, we get .1979164 newton meters--

   ( foot-pounds)   =   ( newton meters)
     -14.59776               -19.79164
two-put( for birdie)--

  ( foot-pounds)   =     ( newton meters)
     .1459776                   .1979164

  in this way, we now know the amount of force applied by wind, per square-inch, to any object, at 10 mph, if we divide this # by 10, we get the value at 1 mph( .01979 newton meters, per sq-inch)...as the numbers go up( larger mph and sq-inch values), we can crunch-back-up...to foot pounds( as is the case in a wind-mill)--


   by counting the square-inches of a blade, and then plugging the force expected into the calc, we can get the expected amount of rotation( in foot-pounds, watts, ect...see my "windmill prop-size/pitch/horsepower/tork computation" post, for more details--


  best wishes, john kruschke--

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

--calculating lateral tork/speed increases-per apex encounterd--

  this is the concept i had last night, and lost...due to not finding a piece of paper, with some math i was working on a few days earlier, that  i needed to calc this prob right then--

a rant--

  i got this one...just need to find all my stuff, and post it all at once, this way someone reading over my shoulder has to try and figure it all out for themselves( it's a terrible world sometimes, and someone might want to up-load some of this silly stuff to a copyright website...you never know), so they can retire in the bahamas( the numbers do need to crunch-out correctly for that)...joke--

  i feel better--  :o)

  anyway, this concept is also known a "centrifugal force", and i have loved this one since i was young...calcing the total amount of force, for a given weight, at a given speed, and knowing, without doing any work in the lab...( crunching it on paper, and having it be just right, in real-world practice)...is the fun--

  lateral tork/foot-pounds--(centrifugal force)--

( laying it all out, long-hand)

--sq inches  %  weight  +  weight + angle - mph x 1.46  =  distance( shot-put/sling-shot)--


(  "lateral-tork principal"     )
 speed x weight - 1 =  force 


    (sq inches)                                           ( mph x weight -1)          (    ft per-sec  )
   (  % weight)  +  (    lbs  )   +                    ( foot-pounds)      =     ( force is applied)
   (    drag     )  +  ( weight  )+  ( angle)  -        ( force)             =         distance
  1000%2000  +     2000     +     45  -             1999               =            46.5

   the above, shows a 1000 square-inch object, weighing 2000 lbs, turning a 45 degree corner, at 1 mph...generating  46.5 feet per-second, that the force is applied( 1999 foot-pounds)...the calc is complete...happy-time...dancing is permitted( depending on your venue)--   :o)

 ( "acceleration/quantification principal" )--
      ( feet)                         ( miles per hour modifier)
  --distance % seconds =  feet per-sec force is applied--

 "thrust/yield calc"--


   ( ft per sec)                                          ( feet)
 (force is applied)         ( seconds)        ( distance)
       46.5                x         60         =       2790  

 this shows the total distance gained from 1999 foot-pounds of force being applied to the 2000 lb object mentioned above, with 1000 sq-inches of it's surfaces, at the forward face of travel( drag), going a total of 2790 feet after 60 seconds of thrust applied--

  if we use "distance to geo-sync math" within my "distance-to-geo-sync" post...i feel we can obtain mor data by inverting the "lateral-tork calc", to find all the values present within the situation being studied( see distance-to-geo-sync post)--

more later--   :o)

Monday, January 16, 2012

--theory about person traveling in space being younger than person on earth/and me--

   i once heard, read, or saw, something on tv, about a person traveling in space, being younger than a person that stayed behind on earth...here are my thoughts on the matter--

   i am imagining a person on earth, at their desk...with a nice lamp, some coffee, and a plant...tapping his pen/pencil on the desk...
  the person traveling in space does the same...for 75 years, both tap, at a 1 second per tap interval...how many more taps does the person in space get??...i believe, not 1 more than the other--

  --every theory is a wall, that a scientist erects...afterward, his piers, future colleges, or sometimes an amature, will try to knock it down...re-arrange the bricks better, or add to it( the walls that remain standing after this scrutiny, are what we call "facts", until proven otherwise)--


--solar sexton/photo-sensitive positioning system--

an epiphany...

  the great sexton...a nautical enhancement, from way back, still of use for us
here one earth today, and perhaps in the future of space travel as well--

the heart of the matter--

 --finding the lengths of two sides of a triangle, and it's angle at one corner, will provide the
triangles dimensions on all sides, and the angles at each point--

defining the sides( bottom/deck and angle)--

     by leveling the sexton to the deck of your boat( vessel), or perimeter, and then sighting a star, you may find the angle( of the mental triangle that finds/determines your position), the sight of the sexton, is one side of the triangle, the bottom being leveled to the deck, is the other, if you know the distance from your position, to the target( a second point you wish to travel to), you then have the length of the bottom line of the triangle--

defining the sides( in space)--

   i suggest, that the length of the top line of the triangle, can be found, by putting a telescope in place of the sexton's looking glass, and a photo cell on it's eyepiece...then, a reading of the amount of light hitting the photocell can be taken( through the eyepiece of the telescope)...the brighter the light, the closer you are to the star you are using to find the angle( with the sexton), using known distances/light values, a person can create a math formula, to decipher the distance from you to the star you are looking at, thus correlating light-intensity, and "distance to target"...( so many volts from photo-cell = so many miles), i believe this will show the length of the top line of the triangle, and, by using geometry, you can derive the exact position of your perimeter, and the targets range--

  a further expansion of this concept for use in space may be possible, via using a telescope with a photo cell, in both the sexton's sight glass( that faces upwards), and on the base( to level the sexton)...this would give the angle of one corner, and the distance of two of the three lines/sides( of the "positioning-triangle"), and therefore define all three points of the "positioning-triangle" needed to find the spacecraft's position in space, and the distance-to-target( destination)--

the third dimension( outer-space navigational factor)--

  i believe sighting to a third distance( point in space), by having a mirror image of the sexton( like a sexton, with another sexton glued to the bottom)...with both bases glued together, but with a hinge, in-between the two, where they are joined, creating a fulcrum point, with a protractor, or scale, to show the angle from 0 to 90 degrees of the other sexton), in this way, a three-d position could then be found, by creating a "math wedge", to get your "foot in the door", on the problem of determining your position in space--

 the fourth dimension(outer space dimensional factor)--

   time is a factor on this one today, and i still need to upload a diagram...but i think the idea has some merit--   (work in progress, bear with me)  

 --diagram later--

  --math later--


Sunday, January 15, 2012

--archery math(recurve bowstring length/handle-to-behind ear at full-draw)--

a2=b2=c2x2=(string size/length)


a= hand to ear distance at full draw
b=  half the distance between bow-string notches of the bow at full draw
c= distance from bow-string notch to bow handle center

 --still working on this one, i will upload the diagram and it will be obvious--

     i reworked a calc i had, but the paper i wrote it on is missing...(i'm having exponential missing pieces of paper issues)--

       --here is the above calc, in a new way, that i feel puts a veery fine point on things--
       bow tip taper angle calc-

     1) bow length 48
      2)bow thickness at handle= 1
         (inches)            (# of)                    (bow length)
     (bow length) %  (bow tips)  =  (remainder, handle-to-tip)
          48           %       2          =                  24

      (inches)                                          (inches)
  (handle-to-tip)                               (handle-to-tip)
      (length)           (degrees)              (remainder)
        24             -      30          =               6

      (inches)                                             (inches)
   (handle side-)                              (handles side-thickness)
    (thickness)     -    (degrees)   =           (remainder)
         1              -        30         =                 29

         (inches)                            (inches)                  (degrees)
(handle side-thickness)          (handle-to-tip)            (bow-tip)
      (remainder)                       (remainder)             (taper angle)
            29                    +               6             =             35

   calc for correcting bow tip-taper for tip thickness--

    the thickness at the tip must be added to correct the taper angle-- i estimated 15 instead of 35--
here are the not-so-rough numbers--
                                                                            (bow tip)
                (inches)                                            (side-thickness)
     (bow tip side-thickness)   -  (degrees)   =       (remainder)
                   .25                            30                      29.75

                (inches)                                    (inches)                          (bow tip)
             (bow length)                               (bow tip)                      (taper angle)
     (remainder, handle to tip)    +   (side-thickness remainder) =  (total remainder)
                   6                                             29.75                             35.75

  i have to re-plug this(35.75) into the calc, and see how it works--

       bow taper-value calc--

   bow taper  = handle diameter - bow tip taper angle  x  # of tips  = taper sq-inches
          (inches)               (degrees of)
   (handle diameter) -  (bow tip taper)                           
          (width)          -     (angle)          x  ( # of tips) =  (taper sq-inches)
             1                          15             x         2          =            28

       (inches)                                (bow front)                                      
      (length)  x  (# of tips)  =  (and back sq-inches)
         48               2                         96                         

        (bow front)                                                (uncorrected total)
  (and back sq-inches)  +  (taper sq-inches)  =   (amount of taper)
             96                                28                           124

       (un-corrected to inches)
      total amount of taper calc--

     (total amount)  %   (percent)        (inches)
       (of taper)       %      100      =      1.24

       bow foot-pounds calc--

 (degree)       (# of )        (total inches)    (inches)        (# of )      (un-corrected foot-pounds)
 (angle)  x  (bow tips)  +  (of taper)  x   (length)  x   (bow tips)  = (strung bow, full draw)
    45      x       2         +     1.24       x      48      x        2          =       8759.04

     un-corrected to inches calc--
                                                                             (correct foot-pounds)
   (un-corrected foot-pounds)   %   (percent)  =    (strung bow, full draw)
                8759.04                     %       100     =              87.59

      arrow-shaft foot-pounds on release calc--
           (foot-pounds)                (# of tips+draw point)                      (foot-pounds against)
    (strung bow full-draw)  %      (points of force)      x  (# of tips) = (arrow when released)
               87.59                 %                 3                 x        2       =         58.39

   bow string length, at desired poundage(full draw) calc--

      (degrees)         (degrees from)
     (from bow)       (drawn bow)   
     (hand-hold)      (to bow tips)               (bow angle differential)
         90           -          45              =                    45

                                         (# of)                 (compound)
  (angle differential)  %    (bow tips)         (angle differential)
          45                 %         2           =            22.5

        (compound)                 (# of )         (bow to bow-string) 
   (angle differential)   %    (bow tips)  =      (differential)          
            22.5              %          2         =          11.25                

         (inches)           (inches)                         (inches)
      (bow-string)     (total bow)              (length of bow-string)
      (differential)  -    (length)     =     (full poundage, before draw)
          11.25       -      48          =                    36.75

      bow-string calc at full draw w/archers arm-span added--(hand to behind ear distance)

                (inches)                                                     (inches)
      (length of bow-string)                                   (bow-string side of)
  (full poundage,before draw)   %   2   =    (bow-string geometric triangle)
                 36.75                     %   2   =                    18.37

     (inches)                 (# of)            (forward side of bow)
  (bow length)  %    (bow tips)          (geometric triangle)
        48           %          2         =                24

          (inches)                                                       (inches)
 (forward side of bow)                                (forward side of bow)
  (geometric triangle)   -    (degrees)   =       (geometric remainder)   
             24                 -         30        =                   6
         (inches)                                           (inches)
    (bow-string side)                             (bow-string side)
     (of bow-string)                                  (geometric)
  (geometric triangle)   -  (degrees)         (remainder)
           18.37              -      30          =     11 .62

  (bow-string side)                   (inches)                                   (inches)
    (geometric)              (forward side of bow)            (bow hand-to-bow-string)
    (remainder)             (geometric remainder)    =     (distance, strung/un-drawn)
      11.62         +                       6                    =                     17.62
    --subtract (bow-hand-to-bow-string distance, strung/undrawn) from the archers(arm-span) to get full-draw geometric triangle value--

                      (inches)                                                          (inches)
       (bow hand-to-bow-string)            (inches)                   (full-draw)
       (distance, strung/undrawn)   -   (archers-span)  =     (geometric value)
                      17.62                                32                          14.38

        (inches)                                                   (inches)
      (full-draw)                                               (full-draw)
  (geometric value)   -     (degrees)    =   (geometric remainder) 
        14.38                         30                         15.62

          (inches)                                                      (inches)
    (bow-string side)                                        (bow-string side)
     (of bow-string)                                            (of bow-string)
  (geometric triangle)    -   (degrees)    =       (geometric remainder)
           18.37              -        30          =                  11.62

       (bow-string side)                      (inches)
        (of bow-string)                     (full-draw)                     (un-corrected)
    (geometric remainder)  +  (geometric remainder)        (bow-string length)
              11.62                +             15.62                =           17.24

        (un-corrected)                (# of )                  (correct bow-string length)
      (bow-string length)    x    (bow tips)   =    (for archers arm-span at full draw)
              17.24               x         2           =                        34.48

         --this completes the calc--

        a compound bow-string calc is in the works...more later--


--personal mico-courriers tube--

  the concept--

   i believe a 1/2 inch by 10 inch small courier tube, for keeping job
applications( and other important documents), while on foot/traveling-light,
might be a neat thing to have...for job hunting, ect...to keep important
documents unfolded, when you do not have your "attache-case" handy--

 --(in the days of yore, i believe a piece of correspondence was
pinned to a piece of leather, and rolled tight, then tied furled)--

   best wishes, john kruschke--

--thermo-dynamics( front-to-back...the whole nine)--

        this one's for "mr-destruct-o"...whom i hear achieved an admirable g.p.a.--
   and without breaking too much stuff...progress( very cool)

    thermal molecular convection model( two-pane window)--


     (temp-1)                (glass-1)                                           (glass-2)
     (atmo-1)   (halo)  (barrier-1)   (halo)   (atmo-2)  (halo)  (barrier-2)  (halo)  (atmo-3)
 -l-     4      -l-   6   -l-       8     -l-  10   -l-    12    -l- 14  -l-  16        -l- 18  -l-   20    -l

 the skinny--

      the exterior temp( atmo-1), has 4 collisions per-sec, the halo around the glass has 6...one of the molecules with less collisions( slower "molecular harmonic", in atmo-1), enters the fray of collisions, in the halo of the first thermal barrier, barrier-1( the first pane of glass, making that one a value of 3), kicking away one of the faster moving molecules in the halo of the first pane of glass, facing the first atmo( radiating heat), making the halo of barrier-1( facing atmo-1), a value of 5--
      this slows the molecules moving in the halo facing atmo-1, and thus, reduces the friction, against the glass( barrier-1), from the halo facing atmo-1, the reduced friction against the glass, from the molecular collisions of the halo of barrier-1, reduces the temp( # of collisions per-second), of the glass( barrier 1), from a value of 8, to a value of 7--

     this reduction in temp( number of collisions), travels this way, through the whole window, until the last halo of barrier-2 has a reduced number of collisions( from 18, to a value of 17), and a cooler slower moving/slower harmonic molecule( at a value of 17), enters the fray of atmo-3, causing a hot molecule in atmo-3 to be kicked away( radiated), into the jumble of molecules of the thermal halo of barrier-2, that faces atmo-3( increasing it's harmonic to 18), this trade( or "convection") of molecules, causes the "molecular harmonic" in atmo-3 to drop, from 20, to 19( room temp, the heat source)--

  if we imagine the molecules colliding, each molecule can be seen as a barrel, or drum, that is struck at a certain number if times per-second, and each halo, atmo, and barrier, have different vibrating drums( molecules), due to a different number of strikes( collisions), per-second, and differing molecular make-ups( atomic structures...water has 1-hydrogen, and 2-oxygens, for example)...

    so, then why do the molecules in atmo-3, slow to 17, when a molecule with a slower harmonic enters the fray of collisions in atmo-3 that were moving at 18?--

     i believe the principal of  "thermal molecular harmonization" can be seen, by striking a tuning fork that has a high pitch, then holding it up, and striking another that has a slightly lower pitch, then holding the two right next to each other...they should equalize in vibrations, or "harmonize", their vibrations, within moments--

    i also suggest, that when a molecule with a molecular harmonic of 17, strikes a molecule with a harmonic of 18, the two equalize their vibrations, upon contact( or nearly equalize, possibly both are in-between 17 and 18...17.2 perhaps??)--

   after the collision, the struck molecule, with a new( lower) molecular harmonic, strikes another molecule, with a higher molecular harmonic, and the process repeats...very much like a red drop of dye, placed in a clear glass of water, and spreading evenly, throughout the glass of water, until it turns one shade( pink), after the process of "dilution" completes--

         thermal halo's and heat transfer principals( heating a bolt)--
     starting with the torch, what is going on there??...acetylene( the fuel), and oxygen( the accelerant), of the "root fuel", mixes in the tip of the torch, after it is lit, pressure from the gases leaving the torch after combustion, creates a "thermal cone", with even temperature graduations( making the flame predictable, and of use for welding)--

    the cone, is essentially radiating hot molecules( high "molecular harmonic"), from a condensed space( the tip), shot towards the bolt, at a high "molecular harmonic"( vibrating very quickly, from high molecular collisions per-second), they do not hit the bolt initially...

   this is the riddle...if we see the bolt microscopically, the bolts temp, and "thermal halo"( small air buffer between the bolt, and room-temp), are almost equal, and if we imagine the bolt as a planet, like earth, and the "thermal halo" as an atmosphere, we understand, that the very hot molecules bounce off the atmosphere, like a meteor would, if at the wrong vector, or exactly like colors are deflected from an object( see my "signal wave degradation" post for more details), once the halo around the bolt heats( taking nano-seconds), then the hot molecules can be accepted, into the "thermal halo" of the bolt, and the friction process of hot radiating molecules, from the torch heating( increasing the molecular collisions per-second) the molecules in the bolt, to the desired temp, or to molten--

   at the tip of the torch, i would mention that there is also a "convection", of "o2" from the atmosphere in the room being drawn into the flame as well, like a stream pulls water from it's banks, thus lowering the rivers level when the flood gates open, and the stream's speed is increased...also acting like a "capillary action", or the process in "photo-synthesis"( see "photo-synthesis" post)--

    this can be seen visually, when watching a lift-off from one of NASA's early space flights, in the form of a "cone", or umbrella, from the rocket upon separation( it looks very cool), this is the "convection" of atmospheric "o2" entering the flame of the next stage of rocket, after being fired, for all to see, due to the height of the separation in our earth's atmosphere--

    i think that about covers the process...

      --best wishes, john kruschke--


--program to run hydraulic windmill head-unit direction--

 the "proggie"--

1) run
2)check volt/amp output = A
3) move head-unit 1 degree left
4) check volt amp output, if A = +1 or more volts go to line 3, if A = -1 or more volts go to line five
5) move head-unit 2 degrees right
6) repeat

--program to run windmill hydraulic pitch servos--

 the "proggie"--

1) run
2) check volt/amp output = A
3) adjust prop pitch positive 1 degree
4) check volts/amps if = A+1 or greater volts then go to line 3, if A =  -1 or more volts then go to line 5
5) adjust pitch negative 2 degrees
6) repeat


--nuclear warhead from bisquick( humor, be it dry)--

not ready--

--windmill hydraulic prop-pitch/mill direction control-vs-gears--

  the concept--

   hydraulic cylinders( pistons), may provide better service than gears, as the main cost to repair them, is the replacement of the seals, pump, or hoses--

the way--

   i suggest, that using hydraulic pressure, to change the pitch of the blades, and also rotate the head-unit, to acquire the best angle to the wind, might provide smoother, more trouble-free operation...as well as being very cost effective, requiring less maintenance, and providing greater power-output,
than gears--

   changes to windmill design could be made more readily, and for a lower cost, due to utilizing a "folding support tower"/ head-unit lowering system( newer, updated hydraulic controlled pitch, and direction controls, could be added as the head-units require service, and a new head unit is to be installed)--

the why( the trouble with gears)--

   gears have no seals, can shear, require greasing( maintenance),  move slowly, and have high machining costs to replace, or produce--

the why-not( what's good about servos)--

  hydraulic servos can be easily computer controlled, with a pump, that has valves, which are controlled with an "excel" type program...also, servos and hoses are inexpensive, although a factor of leaking seals exists( cold weather could be a detriment to seals)--

prop-shaft changes--

   hydraulic pressure to a "slave cylinder", to change prop-pitch, could run through the center of the prop-shaft, to the blades "slave cylinders", in the prop, that change the pitch of the blades...

   where the blades attach to the prop, there could be a "servo piston", working like a "Wankel" rotary engine( a two piston cylinder, with varying pressure on each side, to move the blade, or, pressure on one side, and a retract spring on the other??), in this way, the prop-pitch on the blades can be changed, to acquire the highest volt/amp reading, of the windmill's output, and regulate prop speed--

windmill direction control--

 windmill direction could also be adjusted, by a computer controlled hydraulic servo system, to gain the highest volt/amp output, of the mill, increasing mill power output, many fold--

  unclassified military turret rotation control concepts, may be of use to gain design insights, for durable windmill head-unit design, as well as slave cylinder size, for their fulcrums, or actuation--

   this system of maintaining ideal prop pitch-angles, and direction to the wind, will allow the mill to produce the highest generator output, and safe prop speed, via changing the prop-pitch, to the best angle in light winds, and allowing the prop to idle in high winds, keeping prop speeds "in the mean"--

best wishes, john kruschke--


Saturday, January 14, 2012

--cellular retraining techniques--

  parkinson's( as an example)--

   parkinson's, as i have read, is essentially a low number of "dopamine" receptors( happy feelings receptors), on the cell, i also once read, that "serotonin", is the opposite receptor( a depressant receptor)--

   so, the balance between the amount of the two types, is unequal, for a person with this condition( parkinson's)...here is an example...if you are in a storm, with two colors of raindrops( red and blue), and you have an umbrella, with little guys on top of it, that have cups, one catcher for each color of raindrop...one is red, and one is blue, they both only catch the drops that are of their color, to be thrown over the side, so you don't get wet--

   if it starts to rain mostly blue raindrops( stimulants/happy feelings), the foreman( the cell), tells some of the red raindrop catchers to "take five"( union labor), to adjust to the change in the shower( incoming "dopamine"/"serotonin" levels)... at this time, the red catchers( "dopamine"), are replaced with the same amount of blue ones...to compensate...i believe this model is the same as seen in the human body, except inverted...

  meaning, too much "dopamine", bombarding the cell, causes their to be less "dopamine" receptors, and more "serotonin" receptors, to maintain the balance of both chemicals entering the cell--

  i feel this excess "serotonin" receptor condition might be reversed, or the cell "retrained", by adding more "serotonin" bombarding the cell( more blue raindrops in the shower), to cause more "dopamine" receptors to form...if this idea is sound, i predict a state of depression would likely ensue, after a person has developed parkinson's( not sure if this is the case), from an imbalance, of "dopamine" and "serotonin" receptors, i feel this condition could be from an over-exposure to "dopamine" (stimulants)...


   the principal "in-play", is that the cell will always try to maintain a balance, or equilibrium,
of both "dopamine", and "serotonin"( by modifying the number of each type of receptor)...

   in this way, depression could also be characterized as the body craving more "serotonin", from the body adjusting slowly, to the constant, unequal, high "serotonin" levels, from the reoccurring bad thoughts--

   this could also show why when a person with "ADD" is given "riddlin"( a stimulant), it calms them down, via causing more "serotonin" receptors to form...and possibly why, having a good cry, and "letting it all out", works( the intense sadness, suddenly increases "serotonin" levels, resulting in/creating more "dopamine" receptors, afterward, these high levels abruptly cease)...the clipping of these incoming high levels of "serotonin", leaves an equal amount of "dopamine" and "serotonin" receptors on the cell, or cells...and, since the person has "let go of the hurt", or no longer is traumatized, by the bad memory, or trauma...high amounts of "serotonin" bombarding the cell, cease...and levels of "dopamine", and "serotonin" equalize( the person feels better)--


   could it be...that ingesting foods with "tryptophan"( turkey), or viewing sad movies( choose your favorite), that increase "serotonin" levels, and abruptly stop( item is digested, or movie ends), might cause a person with receptor imbalance( parkinson's), to feel better??( i have not yet tested this concept...ask your doctor)--

 cellular retraining example--colitis/gluten intolerance( wilty's keeper issue)--

    i suggest, that in a patient with "colitis", the receptors in the gut are less, hence the gut moves the stool through the body more slowly...

 visualizing the issue--

   when we envision these receptors in the intestinal tract, as hands, catching fish in a stream, we can see that a person with "colitis" has a reduced number of hands along the bank( receptors), to catch the fish( nutrients)...in response, the body moves the river very slowly, to allow the small number of hands more time, to catch the needed value of fish...

  the answer--
  if the river( nutrients in the gut), moves more rapidly( via a natural laxative), less fish are able to be caught for fuel...to counter-act this condition, i suggest the body might attempt to slow the river initially, but then, would produce more hands( receptors), to catch more fish, as less fish are being caught( low caloric intake), due to the gut moving too rapidly( faster stream), to catch the daily amount of fish the body needs...in this way, i feel the intestinal tract can be "retrained", to generate more receptors, to gather nutrients, resulting in healthy gut-function, and movement( speed)--

   --(a few parting thoughts for those experiencing unequal raindrop precipitation)--

    the "miyagi principal" ( find-a-balance)

   --all things find level..."all things flow from an area of greater concentration to a lesser, until they equalize"...a balance is natures way--

                                                                            --best wishes, john kruschke--

--body metabalization rate/ daily caloric intake requirements--

 the concept--

   if a person is put in an environment that is well below 98.6 degrees F, (37 degrees F as an example), and then the amount of time it takes for the subject's temperature to drop, two degrees, is measured, then the total calories, per-minute/per-hour/per-day can be more precisely calculated( math later)--

   the math i had worked out for this was on a piece of paper( one of my pay-stubs form my last job), if found, my name is on there...there is also a poem, or "koan" on it, i think i lost it at the library??...
i'm sure it will turn up( somewhere)--

 --i will re-crunch those numbers soon,( don't worry everybody)--


  this, along with the amount of time it takes for a person to both consume, and move, food through the digestive system, until voided, can be used to calculate the rate of the waves in the gut( villi), moving the nutrients/waste(stool)--


  i suggest, that in the case if a person with gluten intolerance, or colitis( a person with a lack of viable receptors in the gut), that their digestive system might be able to be "retrained", via a "cellular retraining" technique...see "cellular retraining post"--

  best wishes, john kruschke--

Friday, January 13, 2012

--brain hemisphere/quadrant principals--

the concept--

  i suggest, that the right and left sides of the brain, are not truly separated, but are in fact, like two gears meshing together( similar to a vehicles differential)...for this reason, i feel that a person playing a piano, or doing geometry, is both using part of the logic( right), and part of the creative side( left), of their brain--

  furthermore, i feel that without one hemisphere of the brain working, more than just the loss of one side of the body would be produced...as reading sheet-music, and moving the hands fluently( while playing the piano), indicate to me, that both sides of the brain are in use( the left, and the right)--


  for this reason, i feel that the left, and right sides of the brain, have "quadrants", in use on the opposite side of the brain, and are in fact, like a root structure, going from the side being used, to the other side...through the "hippocampus"--

bet wishes, john kruschke--


--plant solar tracking/moss correlation principal--

i was thinking "mossy" the other day, and came up with this thought...

an epiphany--

   the moss grows on the north side of a tree, due to that side of the tree being the coolest( in the shade), this also affects the tree...if the tree is viewed as a race track, with many lanes, then we see that the inside edge( track in a turn), is shorter, this shows why the cooler side of the trunk, and branches of a tree( or plant), are made shorter( causing a bend), from shrinkage, on one side of the trunk( or branch), and the expansion occurring on the other side of the plant/tree--


  it seems counter to common knowledge at first, that the heated side of a tree/plant would expand, and the cooler side would contract...since most auto repair persons know that heat expands metals...yet, we are talking about a live substance, and here lies the difference in reactions, to the same natural force...when wood, or a plant, is heated, it shrinks...due to de-hydration effects within the substance...unlike the reaction of metal to exposure to heat...wood bends in the direction of the heat source, since the closest side to the heat contracts, from the dehydration of the fibers that the wood is composed of( after some of it's moisture is evaporated)...and so, a plant tracks the sun, due to the side exposed to the heat-source, shrinking, on that side only...


   in this way, the tree tracks the solar rays of the sun, due to thermal reactions by the branches, and trunk, exposed to the environment the plant/tree resides...

best wishes, john kruschke--

--canopy defoliation, via sapp viscosity changes, from temp variation(fall)--

 an epiphany--

  "sap", or "c+(add vitamin)+h20" flows to the leaf, to be dehydrated from the leaf, by the sun, to separate the molecules in "c+(add vitamin)+h20", to be used in the tree,
or plant--


  when temperatures become too near freezing, the area in between the veins of the leaf( "solar fields"), and the small veins that re-hydrate them, freeze...this prevents re-hydration of the entire leaf, the leaf then dries out, from the suns rays, but is not replenished--

the point--

  due to the leaf being dry( dehydrated), the leaf's connection to the branch, is broken, from wind forces, gravity, and the fact that the stem of the leaf is dry( no water in the stem causes there to
be less "molecular surface tension", and a crack/fissure results), causing the leaf to fall, the change in color is the dehydration process, being expressed visually( from changes in the vibrations, or
"frequency", of the molecules within the leaf's stem), causing different spectrums of the light
rays hitting the leaf, to be "canceled", "deflected", or clipped...resulting in a visual color change, of the leaf, to be observed--

best wishes, john kruschke--
