Thursday, March 21, 2013

--presenters( still looking )--

   i have the notion, that many of these posts would be cool subject matter, to present to serious professionals, in various fields of study/ me, having the right person, to present an idea properly, is so very important( put your best foot forward, and the better one, right behind that...)--

an example--

  i have a person in mind, to present my opinions about stonehenge( those little rocks, that have been standing on the other side of the pond from america, since forever), i hope that she is inclined to present the concepts to a few persons in london, there are many posts( so she could present more), as for the remaining posts, i have others in mind for those...also, a narrator for this blog, to make it available to the blind, would mean a lot to me( carl segan??)...we shall see, i feel the idea has merit, perhaps i can persuade a few friends to become involved, after i have finished writing this next book( "digital doodles and mind-farts")...due to be released very soon--

  best wishes to all, john kruschke--

Monday, March 18, 2013

--synthetic tendon simulation/replacement( strengthening "in-tandom")--

  i noticed something while i was getting a hot coco, in one of our local emergency rooms the other day( they have the best hot coco, for under a buck, and i believe it helps support the er...), anyway, here are my thoughts about it--

  the skinny--

   a nice lady had a fall on the way out the door that day, she was examined, and then helped up, immediately by their emt's, but, they had trouble getting her seated in the wheel chair...i noticed( at that moment), that her knee was "hyper-extended", causing her to be unable to bend her knee, to sit down...i pondered the issue, and felt that the "hyper-extended" knee, probably caused the fall to start with...begging the question, why was it "hyper-extending" in the first place???, i suggest, that the situation may have stemmed from her being over-weight, as this condition is hard on the knees( if this is correct, it may not have been the first time a "hyper-extension" occurred)...bringing us to the ultimate question...what to do about future falls, from a little miss-step, that propagates an injury, and creates more long-term trauma?? far as i know, even professional athletes, in today's modern medical-miracle world, whom can afford to pay anything, are unable to really solve this issue...

 a solution( for medical professionals to ponder)--

  i thought at first, a cable that would stop the knee from traveling backwards to far, might work...but unfortunately, the body's natural tendon, does not work that way, due to( in my opinion), the need for the "slack", of the anchor( tendon), to be "taken-up", during the full range of movement in the, what to do??, when i was young, living in rural america, we younger types( children), would play with "sling-shots"...made from a hand-hold, and two "rubber tubes"(to power the "sling")...i suggest, that one of these "tubes", from a modern "sling-shot", could be attached "in-tandom" with the original damaged tendon, on the back side of the knee( or other joint), to limit the undesirable travel in the joint, that causes the "hyper-extension"...these tubes are rubber i believe( hypo-allergenic), and are incredibly strong( i know, from extended study, during grade school), i feel this concept may solve the puzzle, of how to "simulate" a tendon, or mount a "cable" to the joint( to stop unwanted movement, and "hyper-extensions"), one that will retract, and expand, as the joint goes through it's natural range of movement--


  how to attach a synthetic tendon( screws??), where, and at what tension( or, what diameter of tubing is best??), is a puzzle for folks working in hospitals to determine...


 something else to ponder...perhaps, a veery small steel cable, could be put inside the tube, to create a "stop", of sorts??, as i feel that a small enough steel cable, placed inside the tube, with a "loop" in the center, may retract with the tubing it resides in, creating an extremely strong any case, i hope this concept yields a few less hazardous steps for someone, or, possibly a return to professional sports for a "pro-athlete"--

  --i feel that this B.S. , is good B.S. , and may be something good to start a conversation with your doctor about...and nothing more--

  best wishes, john kruschke--

Monday, March 11, 2013

--a nod to the queen( a re-discovered system)--

   the kings system( her majesty's at present)--

   if she so desired, i feel that the queen, or one of her many subjects, might be able to plot the position of a dwelling( or other structure), from the silhouette of "the-tower-of-london bridge"...this "wonder-of-the-world's" silhouette, looks to match a chair's-back, that was made in the same period...i believe a person erecting a home, or other garrison, likely aligned a chair's back( or many chair's backs) to the tower-bridge's silhouette, and...taa-daaa, right angles were obtained, that were "square", or parallel, to the monolith, allowing easy creation of a roadway to the structure, that would not intertwine, or merge, with other roads( making things orderly)...this method would be extremely effective with a chair at each corner, giving nice "right-angles" on the interior of the structure, to measure from, for the purpose of following "blue-prints", to the letter( i have not derived the exact type/maker of the chair yet, more study is needed)--


   the old english song, that goes..."london bridge is falling down, falling down, my fair lady"...seems to make a bit more sense to me now, if london bridge were to fall, a "lady in waiting's" future husband, would not be able to construct her a suitable home to live in( a dwelling that is not square, with a horrible road going to it)...definitely a cause for tears...making the song, more of a ladies "scary-little-hymn", than a song--

an epiphany--

  this post, causes me to notice that even the term, "emergency", seems to be about this very system...if the the root word of "emergency" is, merge...i feel the phrase "we have a mergence" , or "it's a mergence" being spoken by runners, sent to "the cross-roads", or another location, to summon the "surveyor", may have been the inspiration for the modern word "emergency"...e-mergence-y( y, being a symbol for a merge in a road, one we still use in the states, or "why"?? "what-the-devil"??)...the symbol being used above an e-r entrance in america(+), looks to be a picture of "the cross-roads", or perhaps an "english cross"(see my "stonehenge/easter-island" post) any case, a "mergence" was definitely a good reason to get exited, as a road plotted slightly "off-course", would have drastic consequences, as all the efforts made to get up to the point that the error was discovered, were possibly for naught...

  and so, best wishes to her majesty on this day, and all her interests on the "other side of the pond"(or wherever else they may lie)...john kruschke--

Monday, March 4, 2013

--the secret about "the secret"--

  i stumbled upon a bit of a "wives-tale", being considered as a serious scientific theory today( possibly), i have not read the book to date...but, from a skimming of the cover, i believe the concept was this...

  "the secret"--

   if a person "thinks positive", good things will happen for them, and life will naturally "go their way", as positive thinking generates "positive out-comes" all cases, and so, those experiencing misfortune, are "thinking negative", and hence, are bringing forth the ill-will of destiny( by their own actions/thoughts)...really??...

my spin on the deal--

  if we try to apply this notion in a scientific setting, to prove, or debunk the concept( my contention), the person that derived the theory, might, subject a person being studied to negative stimuli( to get them to think negative)...this, in it's self, is the end of the theory, entirely( for me) i feel that, any scientist that came up with a study this harsh on a subject( person/other), being studied, is clearly thinking negative himself...also, exposing the person to negative stimuli, to get them to think negative, means that the person was thinking "positively", prior to being studied...and, having negative stimuli dumped all over you, is not a positive result( of positive thinking) all...

the flip side--

  i feel that a great way to study "the other side" of the theory( does a person whom thinks positively have positive results??), would be to give the clip-board to the "lab-rat" being tested, and toss the scientist on the "little wheel" that goes "round-and-round", for awhile...perhaps the new person holding the clip-board, will conclude, that "positive thinking" is turning the wheel, and a light-bulb, powered by a little generator, that is attached to the wheel that the scientist is running on, can be fashioned( so that correlations about "positive thinking", and the "expected output"... in watts, might then be gained??...), the experiment could go until the bulb burns out...unless the lab rat ordered more( positive thinking??)--

 the silver lining--

  being a complete jerk, might not yield the best results either...although "Scrooge", in the "Dickens tale" about him, was a bit of a bother...i doubt he could have saved as much money as was needed to save "tiny-tim" in the story, if he had not been so stingy beforehand( Scrooge, is a personal hero, for this aspect of his character)...Scrooge, discovers positive thinking can enhance a person's abilities to deal with others, and increase options, or the probability of them being presented...increased probability, not assuring them, and he knew a toughness was needed to hold them, when they arrived( in the many years past, and still today, the weak have held few things of high value, for long...despite our best efforts, though law)--

  the skinny(for me)--

    dare to think positive, even if the world is coming down around your ears...this seems to be the "secret", of serious value here, it may help, it may not...but you will feel better about the outcomes that arrive--

best wishes, john kruschke--