Saturday, June 30, 2012

--archimedes leveraged( vaulted) roof system--

the concept--

    i was scribbling on the public dry-erase board, at a very nice coffee shop, in the downtown area are my thoughts, and a few numbers to "roll around"--

    i noticed this morning, that a roof can hold twice the weight, if the "roof-face" on each side, has a "fulcrum point" closer to the top of the wall that the eves of the roof sit this way, the usual "a-frame" can be "cantilevered", in a sense( diagram soon to uploaded), the concept is based on the premise that, each "fulcrum-point" before the "base" of the roof, divides the downward force, by 2, on each side of the roof( on each "roof-face"), this reduces the force, trying to spread the top of the 4 walls of the structure( a small shed for example), resulting in the collapse of the structure, into itself--

   if a shed has 200 pounds of weight( the roof materials), against the walls it sits on, 200 is divided by 2( and 100 is the resulting value), to each side of the the point of the usual "a-frame" cross-beam, the force is also divided by two, one force going down to the foundation, and one going at 90 degrees away from the center of the "a-frame" of the roof( see diagram)--


   if we view the physical results of this building style, the way the weight is managed becomes more's like having a traditional roof, on top of another roof, with a steeper pitch, the top has a traditional "a-frame" shape, and only the weight above the cross-bar of the top "a-frame" is relative to this first "a-frame", in the roof structure...allowing it to reduce the spreading loads below it, while still handling the weight of the entire roof, even though it's splitting the load with the steeper pitched "a-frame" portion, at the lower part of the roof...also, the lower spars go from the center of the upper cross-bar of the top "a-frame" of the roof, and this centers the load, on each side of the roof, that's trying to spread away from the center of the structure( "cantilevered" )...this puts the load of the lower roof in the center of the top "a-frame" of the roof...and also moves roof loads, to the areas that the roof sits on( the walls)...

   this amount, is the force trying to "flatten the building"( 50 is this value), this concept explains the effectiveness, and dynamics, of "flying-buttresses" utilized in Europe long ago, for the building of structures( churches), with "vaulted-ceilings", which had to overcome engineering issues regarding their surface-area/weight ratio, and the need for the structure to stand, while delivering the desired volume within( essentially, these "buttresses" were on the outside of the structure, resisting the pressures of the roof wanting to spread the walls, from a force-vector that was pushing down, and away...not directly down, on the roof's supporting walls...this allowed the removal of the traditional cross-bar of a roof's upper "a-frame" structure, due to the "flying buttresses" presence handling the weight, in their absence)--

best wishes, john kruschke--

Friday, June 22, 2012

--the euro/euro-zone crisis--

   as i understand it, the "euro" is utilized in countries within the "euro-zone"(members of the "euro-group"), the power of being in the group, seems to be, that it counter-acts inflation, from region, to region, in Europe...if one country is not doing well, the currency remains at a high value, regardless of the circumstances, but, if one country does poorly(unfavorable job/investment potential), the value of the "euro" drops, correspondingly--

    i suggest, that without the "euro group", some of the countries in the group would be doing horribly badly, instead of having a small drop in the "euro group" value...for the smart investor, this can be viewed as an opportunity, similar to the situation the united states experienced during the "great depression"...those with money in the United states, at that time, were able to go to areas with reduced commerce( having less money), and purchase goods, or services, at a rate that provided a huge financial gain, deriving the exact area( country) in the "euro group", that the "euro" spends well, would be of good financial value, for investing--

     ciao...john kruschke--

Monday, June 18, 2012

--oscillating current( battery-life extension system)--

   oscillating current...the idea is simple, but i feel it may be of use, for a variety of things, to extend battery life, and to reduce total usage of items drawing power, in the home, or work-place...

  the concept--

    i suggest, that if a switch is placed between a device being used, and the power source, that is then turned on and off, very rapidly, the person using the item will not notice the "off-time"( for most devices), hence, i believe that full-power is not needed, to run most devices...

real world practice(of this technique)--

    this principal is already in use in the film, a movie, and it's many frames on the film-reel, add up, to a visual experience that can be enjoyed, even though gaps exist between frames--

electrical example--

   i feel, that utilizing this concept at home, in your kitchen, is of great a toaster, blender, ect, ect, can also be oscillated on-and-off, in this manner, thus saving a huge amount of power( as the battery, or electric company, does notice the "off-time" that the device is experiencing)--

oscillating current duty cycle(on-and-off time)--

    the duration of on-and-off time(duty cycle), would vary, from device to device, depending on the amount of "off-time" the device being operated can tolerate, while still performing satisfactorily for the user--

    i feel this form of power conservation has vast possibilities, is viable, and could be deployed with minimal effort--

best wishes, john kruschke--

--"batt-capps"( instantly rechargeable batteries)--

  i have been rolling this one around for awhile, here goes--

oscillating current principal( for use with "batt-capps")--

     i suggest, that if a battery is veeeery rapidly oscillated, on-and-off, while connected to a draw, it looses its charge at a lesser rate, from the "off-time" adding-up, or compounding...i feel this concept can also be used when working with capacitors, thus solving an "electronic-riddle" that has puzzled a great may electricians, for as long as there has been power( how to instantly charge/recharge a battery??)--

the concept( "batt-capps")--

   we all know if a capacitor is put to a load, it discharges instantly, but, i suggest, that if the capacitor had a veerryy rapid oscillation, of being connected, and then disconnected from the load, it would not have time to fully discharge, thus, the capacitor is now acting as a battery( due to the capacitor having a working "deep-cycle", like a battery does)--

the point--

   providing a way for a capacitor to have a "deep-cycle", is important, as this is the main difference between a battery, and a capacitor...the other favorable thing about a capacitor( being instantly rechargeable), would remain...and the battery, or "batt-capp", if installed in a car, or other device, would be rechargeable in seconds( to full capacity)--


    i feel this concept has promise, although heat may need to be "sinked" away from the "batt-capp", while recharging( at this rapid a rate)...also, the amount of "deep-cycle" gained from utilizing this "oscillating-current principal", is unknown to me( at present), and will require study to derive good results--

best wishes...john kruschke-- 

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

--calc adjustments--

 the adjustments--

   looks like there are 5,280 feet in one mile, i roughed the numbers there( i am quite certain, some folks have already noticed this, and "chucked it up a tad", to get the numbers straight)....also, the cubic centimeters for a square-foot is off a bit too( 1,728 cubic-inches, and 28,316.5 cubic-centimeters)...are the right amounts--


    i will be editing the calcs in a few days, so they are fully workable, including the "nano-seconds" portion of my "exponential geo-syc degradation" post( there is a glitch in the beginning, that i put there to make the problem less effort to solve...wink...), this must be corrected--

 best wishes, john kruschke--

Monday, June 11, 2012

--the top of the world( Tibet)-mindful social solution--

   i was thinking about the Dalai-lama, China, and the customs of both places today... here are my thoughts--

    from the perspective of the Lama, i imagine being in Tibet, sipping tea, would be time well spent, and very occurs to me, the main reason he is unable to do that( at this moment), could be from decisions made, for cultural, and religious reasons, to stay out of two world wars...

the decisions/reasons/speculation--

   Tibet stayed clear of both world wars, had they been actively allied with the United states, and others, i feel they would not be a part of China today, the Tibetan's reason for non-involvement in those conflicts, was that they do not believe in solving problems with violence...they try to "do no harm", while practicing Buddhist principals, and living in a "mindful way"--

a thought--

   i can't help thinking that, although they do not believe in fighting, or harming others, they could act "like a good mother does", and apply bandages to the children fighting, instead of joining in the violence--

a possible solution--

  hence, i suggest, the formation of the "Tibetan medical corps"...the Tibetans could be medics, and save those they can...i feel if a soldier tells his son the reason he is alive, is because a holy man risked his life to save his, the Tibetan culture will be better understood, and respected--

my opinion--

--( they are very brave, and are willing to endure great hardship, both for their principals, and the safety of others)--


      i have always got the feeling, that a great many in this world, view the Tibetan people as a group who like to sit around and pray all day, and won't swat flies...the perspective might be changed a bit, if you are the "fly", under heavy fire, that a Tibetan would rather others not "swat"... into the next life--

     if this concept is deemed viable, and is deployed, i would be willing to don a "sherpa-cap" and/or Tibetan sash, while tending any theater they are needed--
 a mantra--

                              "strength of sherpa-- heart of Budda--do no harm"...

                                            --Tibetan Medical Corps--

    best wishes, john kruschke--

--spain / the euro / market recovery factors( economic attack angles)--

  some thoughts about a region of this world having economic difficulties...

the skinny--

    our good neighbors in Spain, hold vast sums of assets for commerce, yet this morning i am hearing they have financial woes, starting me to meditate upon how this condition could be possible...the initial question i started with was, "what is the main provider of funds for the average family there??", and at what range of income??...if it be tourism( restaurants, museum tours, sight-seeing, ect...), what sights are being sought, and by whom??--

the issue( and potential remedies)--

   perhaps those that tour the region, are the ones with less any case, i feel that the economic issues in Spain, may be due to a reduction of tourism revenue, and, i suggest that part of the solution, could be a revival of the "skill-sets" that produced the sights, so many travel to Spain to see--

increasing tourism revenue--

   i believe, that apprentice-ship, of old-world crafts, may yield more visitors( that stay for a longer duration), fortunately, a large part of the renaissance period in history, was very much rooted in Spain...for this reason, these skills, are still to be found in quiet corners there...

long-term tourism--

   i further suggest, that the artisan/master-craftsmen, is one of their "super-resources", yet to be fully tapped, to enrich the economy of apprentice would need to stay in Spain 2-6 years( greatly enhancing the economy), to master an old-world trade, only taught in a few countries( Spain being one of them, due to the bulk of renaissance works to be studied there)...if this idea is correct, serious tradesmen in the areas of fine restaurants, stone-cutting, custom automotive fabrication, wine-vineyard management( wine production), the restoration/maintenance of ancient art, and many other lost-arts( skills), of the renaissance period, would be both spending, and making money there, for the duration of their studies...and perhaps longer( if the apprentice decides to stay, or starts a family, during the study period)--

the point--

   this could be a "game-changer" for the region( i am certain this concept is already being utilized, but not on the scale i am thinking of)--


   as for the "euro", and the "economic abundance" of those whom like to go on vacation( in Spain, or otherwise), this is another matter, less in their control...but, attracting more visitors, of a kind who will stay longer, and generate a more lasting bond, with the country( through training-lineage), is...via offering lost-arts training, and that those trained in these crafts, will pass them on to the next person( an apprentice), someone who will remember, the place from which the master was trained( the home of the master is always revered, and likely to be visited, by the offspring of the students)--

best wishes, john kruschke--