Sunday, November 18, 2018

--The Parthenon--

I had an epiphany about the basic principals that the "Parthenon" was built on a while back, and i am posting them here at this time...from my facebook goes--

  The "Parthenon"--
   I decided to post my complete views, and theories, about the "Parthenon"...i hear there is a full sized replica in Tennessee?? i may go visit it goes--

The skinny--

   I suggest that the "Parthenon" is about the same thing as Stonehenge in England...precisely...both Stonehenge, and the "Parthenon", are aligned to the sun, to give the best angle to the sun, to channel a beam of light through an opening( a prism), usually a simple archway, that is aligned to a slightly smaller archway, that focuses the beam of light...onto a stone, that is super-heated by the when kids burn ants when they are in grade school...with a magnifying glass...but, the "Parthenon" is utilizing a few different principals in its construction, and they are for everyone's inspection...

   Stonehenge focuses the light-beam through a large archway, into a smaller archway, and then onto a "sluice-stone", that concentrates the light-beam further, and directs it onto the stone for reading, that elongates, and allows the stretched out letters on the stone to be legible...this happens on the "Vernal equinox" ( spring time), the stone appears to rise out of the ground, like a sword coming out of the ground, from heat expansion, of the stone...stone, and metal( as all auto mechanics know), expands when heated...keep this in mind for later...anyway, this signals the beginning of the growing season at Stonehenge, and it signals the time to plant, at Stonehenge, there is a stone that aligns with two archways, that generates a beam of light, that goes the opposite direction as the "Vernal equinox" beam of light...since it's the opposite season( the earth has turned, and i feel the light-beam is generated at dusk, instead of, it comes the opposite way, as the other "Vernal equinox" beam of light...and this happens on the "Autumnal equinox" fall...well, "so what", a person might add/say about the matter...i'll tell you what, for no goes--

   I believe that the "Parthenon" is designed to do the same job as's a "solar calendar", that can not slip, like simply counting days can...and the proof for this contention, is in the ruins of the "Parthenon", and also drawings of the structures construction we have, or have re-established, through scientific study of the site...from drawings i found online, i noticed immediately that the structure was a "light-box", with an opening in one direction( the "Vernal equinox" direction for the sun to come in), and one in the opposite direction( the "Autumnal equinox" direction)...and the two pathways for light to enter, are separated, by a thick stone wall...and this is an important clue to the puzzle...the dividing wall keeps the sun's rays concentrated in that room only, so, the heat from the ray of light that enters on the "Vernal equinox", only heats that room, and not the room directly behind it, for the "Autumnal equinox"...basically, imagine two ovens, "back-to-back", so the openings to the ovens are at opposite, we have two "solar ovens"...but why..??

   I suggest that the statue is in the chamber for the "Vernal equinox"...and this room is for a "reader", to read an inscription, or view a secret, within the chamber...that is hidden, to all except the "reader"...and he, or she( as is the case in the Egyptian "sun-courts", where i believe the technology originated), dies, from the heat of the temperature of the room that the "reading" takes place in...looking further at the design, we can note that there are columns, and then an open area, between the walls of the two ovens, that are "back-to-back", within the inner-most portion of the "Parthenon"...i believe that this is to insulate the heat within the two chambers/ovens, and the columns that support the roof of the this way, the heat within the room does not severely heat the columns that support the roof in the chamber, so they do not raise up, like the columns in the Egyptian "sun-courts" do...also, i believe that the "Autumnal equinox" chamber has special columns inside the chamber, to support the roof there...these columns are stacked, in two rows of columns on top of each other, with a beam of stone between them...and i suggest that the Greeks had discovered that shorter columns, that are stacked on top of each other, do not expand from heat very much, unlike a single tall stone column does...since the stacked columns are not actually one piece, like the columns in an Egyptian "sun-court" are...where the columns raise up, as the means to reveal the secret writing, that the "reader" must read, for the Egyptian system to function...

  Meaning, that this is a serious deviation of the original concept from Egypt...the Greeks do not want the columns to elongate, to reveal secret writings...i contend this, due to the walls of the two chambers acting like an insulation barrier, keeping heat in...and the open space between the walls, and the roof's supporting columns on the outer edges of the structure, insulate the support columns from the chamber's heat, even further... i believe the columns support the structure, and the rest is about making an oven...with another oven facing the other way, that is separated from the other, by a, what's in the "Autumnal equinox" chamber?? there is a statue, that sits in the middle of a small "wading pool"...and this gave me some trouble to understand, for a short while...until i realized that the pool was generating moisture, so, due to this fact, i feel that the statue of "Athena" required moisture, for it to stand for centuries...this notion brought me to the conclusion that the statue was made of wood, or possibly it was a live tree?? carved in the shape of the goddess?? "Athena"...and this puzzled me even further, since the Stonehenge site had stone as the material that the "viewing stone" was comprised of, that elongated from, why the water??, and why wood?? was the wood being steamed somehow??...i came to the conclusion that the Greeks knew about a concept i discovered many years ago( read my second book "digital doodles and mind-farts" for my contentions about the way plants track the sun)...anyway, i suggest that the statue of "Athena" in the "vernal equinox" chamber, was made of wood, and the pool was to water it...probably "teak wood", since my grandmother told me when i was a child, that "teak" gets stronger as it ages...and, it must also be able to withstand high heat, without being damaged??...but, does the statue raise up??...i say no, it does not, instead i feel it bends, in the middle of the statue...and the top of the statue almost touches the floor...perhaps looking like the statue has come alive, and is "bowing" to the "reader"?? i say this, due to my previous work, regarding the reason plants "track" the sun throughout the day...i contend that the side of a plant that faces the sun, gets the heat, and the side in the shade stays cool...for this reason, the side being heated contracts, unlike stone and steel, that elongate when, wood becomes dehydrated, and shrinks like a piece of dehydrating "beef-jerky" does...and this reality demands that a wooden statue that can withstand the heat of the beam of light entering the "Vernal equinox" chamber, must bend, towards the side that is incurring the beam of light entering the chamber...and the opposite side of the statue is much less heated, since it's in "the shade" a result, the huge statue tips forward, towards the opening of the chamber, like a dandelion that follows the sun all day, in summertime...i suggest that the pool of water in the room also generates some steam, preventing the wooden statue from bursting into flames during the "reading" for the unfortunate "reader", who dies from the "reading" Egypt, i believe that women bore the pain of the task, since most men can not withstand the amount of pain that must be endured to survive the "reading", long enough, to tell others what they saw...i feel that the clues to the Greek system are at our nations capitol, in the "Lincoln memorial"...he sits in a "Parthenon" a stone chair, and i feel this is not an accident, possibly the engineer who drew the plans for the monument knew only that the "Parthenon" was a place for a "martyr"...who sat in a chair, and died for the betterment of society...and for this reason, i suggest that the "Vernal equinox" chamber was for the "viewer" to witness the statue of "Athena" tipping forward, and bowing to him...while he sat in a chair, to support him, since he was likely almost passed out, and incapacitated, from pain of burns, during the "reading"...

  After the "Vernal equinox", at the end of the growing season, i believe the chair was moved to the other side of the "Parthenon" the "Autumnal equinox" chamber...where the beam of light that enters the chamber is focused on the body of the "reader", and he is cremated, from the heat of the beam of light, at dusk...signifying the end of the growing season...until the next "Vernal equinox"....when the system repeats itself...and another "reader" must would have to read my second book, "Digital doodles and mind-farts", to know the reason for the difference in the two systems...i feel that the man in the chair was a "Yohan"...the leader of the "surveyors", who were the keepers of the system of the "sun-courts" of Egypt...where many countless red-headed women died, reading the columns there...indicating to me, that the Greeks are likely the descendants of the Egyptian "readers"...and i am hazarding a guess that they were burning blonde haired men, in reprisal for the red-headed women lost, while reading the "sun-court's" stones, in fits the facts...although it's not an especially nice revelation...a last wild speculation at the end here...i believe that "Cleopatra" of Egypt, ended the "sun-court" system of "solar calendars", in her country, and that the Greeks may have voluntarily destroyed the "Parthenon", to show solidarity with her decision to end the system, that was claiming 365 beautiful red-haired women, yearly, in her country...i hear they are rebuilding the "Parthenon" in Greece...i feel it's an important site in the history of man, and the modern expansion of human beings, across the globe...

   If the statue is rebuilt, i believe it must be made of wood, for the "Parthenon" to function once again...and care must be taken, at a certain time of archaeologists, or other visitors, are not accidentally incinerated, from curiosity, or bad luck( i believe that the practice of moving a "semi-truck" with a trailer on it, in front of both the "Vernal equinox" chamber's entrance, and the one for the "Autumnal equinox", to block sun-light from entering the structure, at either end, will make the full-sized duplicate of the "Parthenon" in Tennessee, safe...for visitors, or scientists, to spend time in) wishes, John Kruschke--

roll it around awhile...??

Saturday, May 19, 2018

--Pulling all my stuff for awhile--

I can't seem to get Google to recover my account so I can use my computer to edit all my posts, so I am pull it all, and I will put it back when my account has been fully recovered, so I can use my computer to spell check, and fine tune my blog wishes, John kruschke...


   My blogs are fully recovered, meaning, i have access with my "puter", so i can get crazy with the editing of this will be back up, one post at a time, after i completely check each one, for "gaffe's", and other clerical "nasties"...

P.s. : if you still want to read the content of my blog in the mean-time, please purchase a hard-on copy of my book, or a soft-cover copy...or an e-read from Barnes and Noble...

Friday, February 2, 2018

--The "step-wells" of India--

    Here is something i posted to my instagram, and facebook, a while ago...i am posting it here for everyone's inspection at this goes--

John Kruschke

January 18 via Instagram--

   I figured out something i believe India knows, yet does not want anymore...the "step-wells" they know that the steps generate the water at the bottom though?? I am certain they must know...but do we know?? So, i am mentioning it...the fact that the steps of the wells generate "condensation", from the shaded area of the steps, creating a "temperature-differential", that makes "condensation" collect, due to the water vapor "dropping out" of the air...and running down the steps, to collect at the bottom, is the way i believe the "step-wells" provide fresh water( it's a "distilled water generator")...some are so large, i can't believe it...the amount of distilled water we are talking about is vast...allowing water to be available in large amounts, in a place that did not drill wells, or have lakes( i feel that the "water table" is likely very, very, far underground...deeper than the bottom of any "step-wells" found in India, in fact)...

The question--

  So, could they have forgotten that there was no water at the bottom of a "step-well" the first day it's built, before the steps could fill it, from the collection of the next mornings dew, having run down the steps to the bottom?? I am starting to suspect they have...So, i am presenting the concept here, and my "nay-sayers" may attempt to prove me wrong...I believe they will discover i am correct in the process though...In my opinion, the steps make the water, from "condensation"...the same way the "channels" cut into the cliffs, in the city of Petra work, from managing a "temperature-differential", to gain "condensate"...with vast surface area, to make a little thing per-foot, amount to a lake of water at the bottom, after all the steps contribute to the pool...I wonder if they know...??

Was it "aliens"??--

   A tv show i was watching was saying it was "aliens", that made a special temple somewhere in India, it had steps on the outside, with a room below them...basically, an open area, below the steps of the temple... a cool area...I suggest that these steps were curved, on purpose ( and not "sunken" from an earthquake, coincidentally), to direct the morning "dew" collected each day, on the steps, to a small water bin...located a distance in front of the steps...I suggest, that the upward curve of the steps, at each end, induce a downward flow of "condensation", to the center of the steps, and i feel this directs the flow of "condensation", to the pool, located in front of the steps...Meaning, the pool fills each day, from the mornings "condensation" formed, on the steps...indicating that the purpose of the entire structure, is the generation of "distilled water", for survival, in an area that does not drill wells...I am reading that most of them are currently being used for garbage, to be dumped in...a practice that might possibly prove to be an unwise idea...Since the "step-wells" require none of the issues of the depth to drill a well, to be overcome, to reach the "water table"...Also, this might indicate that the people of India may have ties to the lost city of Petra??

Navitian city of Petra/"step-well" correlations--

   I have found an image of a small simple carving, of a Roman/Egyptian arch( like the "Parthonon"), with steps like those found in the "step-wells" of India, on top...Indicating, that the Navitians of Petra were utilizing the "step-well" system, long before India...In addition to this, i am seeing the same "Roman arches", stacked on top of each other, for bathing...due to my contention that these structures are also "distilled water generators", for bathing...A women could stand between the arch, on either side, and bathe, with the completely clean "distilled water", that runs off the bottom of the ceiling, at a certain time of the day, each day, due to the "temperature-differential", between the shade under the ceiling of the arch, and the hot air of the desert, surrounding it (if you look closely, the arches have a "water-channel" cut into their ceilings, to concentrate the flow of the "condensate", into a "bathing stream")...I believe this concept displays the images we see in Petra, and India, carved as statues, or other artwork, showing a happy women, standing under the archway...Depicting the act of "taking a shower"...and possibly explaining why we see carvings, and artwork, that glorifies the elephant, in India...They bathe by spraying water onto themselves, with their trunks...Indicating that the cleaning techniques of this creature may be the origins of the idea that sparked the development of the archways, to bathe with, in ancient times...

A note (about Maya)--

   I submit for the inspection of science, the notion that every set of large stairs, in all of the cultures they are found, are actually, partly, about the generation of water, from condensate...I contend that a pitcher will be found in the Mayan culture, and others, that has a strange "flat" lip, to pour from...and if this object is indeed found to exist, i believe it was used via placing the "flat" lip of the pitcher, up against one of the that water could run into it, and be taken away, when full, to be used for daily life, to survive...probably a row of pitchers, every so many steps, so that there was a large enough volume of "condensate" running down the steps, to fill the pitchers all the way.??..time will tell the tale if i am correct...or mistaken...??

Summary( "Step-wells" continued...)--

  Perhaps filling them with garbage is not they remain if there is a drought?? No rain is required for fresh water with a "step-well" system...i am hazarding a guess this is the primary reason for there being no wells drilled in ancient times...they pulled it out of the air, the same as the lost city of Petra did...with the same basic principal, being utilized on a massive scale, to provide civilization...where no water was present...if India is unaware that the steps were creating the water, i hope they choose to restore, and preserve them, all...each one was built to allow the area it was constructed in, to have more people/greater numbers...For this reason, i feel that preserving the "step-wells" could be wise...if the modern "water table" fails, from lack of rain...the old way will remain, of generating "distilled water", from "condensate", to stop a massive loss of life, from drought...

--I feel that this B.S., is good B.S., of use to start a conversation with someone thirsty, and nothing more--

Best wishes, John Kruschke--

--looks like i have to retype the whole thing, since there are some changes to the blogs posting program, it comes out a bit weird from moving it from facebook to my blog...i will fix it tomorrow...

--The lost city of Petra--

  Here is a discovery i made a few weeks ago, i am working on my book, so i have not posted it until today, i will edit it more tomorrow--

The skinny--

    John Kruschke
January 13 via Instagram

   I made an important discovery, about the Navatian people, and the lost city of "Petra"...also known as "the city of the canyon of the crescent moon", in the "Raiders of the lost ark" movie...I suggest, that the channels cut into the base of the rock, in the winding sliver of rock, where the city's most famous "monolith" is located...were not only to move, they were where all of the water was coming from, in the first place...In modern society, we call it a "gutter-buddy"...meaning, the circular trench, carved into the base of the rock walls, where the air is cooler naturally, creates an area of shade, at the top of the circular "channel" cut into the stone wall, at the base, and this shade makes the "roof" area of the "channel" cooler...generating a good "temperature-differential", between the shaded "roof" of the "channel", and the air immediately outside the "channel"...that is not in the shade...and so, there is "condensate" generated, on the "roof" of the "channel", cut into the rock wall...which runs down the side of the curve of the "channel", cut into the rock, to the bottom of the "channel" (picture a letter "C", to get the idea...meaning...we have a "distilled water generator", that is a long trench, that goes to a large holding tank...the point is, the little "channels" cut into the base of the cliffs, generates the water, i suggest all of the other trenches, move the water around, for agriculture, bathing, or other domestic purposes...the key is understanding "condensation", and the fact that the "thermal-differences" in temperatures, is what creates it...once you understand the way it's naturally formed, a distilled water generator is easy to spot...

best wishes, John Kruschke--

   Below is a second post, from my facebook page, about the concept...

John Kruschke
January 13 via instagram

   Here is a diagram of the "water generator", as i feel it works, at the Navatian city of "Petra"...I believe that the covers are not to generate high pressure, but are instead, to prevent dehydration of the "condensate", that the water generator produces, pooled at the base of the "channel", cut into the cliff wall...As well as keeping dirt/dust from filling the "channel" at the bottom, hindering water flow, and allowing it to be evaporated, by heat from the sun...And this would also explain, all of the pottery found there, to move water around...I suggest, that if they sweep the entire "channel" clear, and make new covers for the base of the "channel", that the water generator will begin to provide water again...and this indicates to me, that the discovery thousands of years ago, in regards to this "distilled water generator", is the true reason that this site was chosen for a massive civilization to be has the purest water in the whole desert...from out of nowhere...could it be, this civilization was lost due to the understanding of how "condensation" works, being lost??...I feel that the covers broke, one at a time...and eventually, enough broke that the water ceased to flow from fact, the system is likely so trouble-free, that i am beginning to suspect that no one knew how to make new covers, or why they even needed them, for the water generator to function, by the time the system ceased to function, from broken covers, and "channels" filled with dirt, in too many places, along the entire generator's length...Low tech is cool, it lasts a long time...if it's a secret, there is a danger of loosing the knowledge, entirely, if the system can go 800 years without any service...

Note (the proof in the pudding)--

  I believe the serrated edges on the side of the covers, of the "channels" cut into the base of the cliffs at the site, are the proof of my contentions here, about the "channels" being the source of all the water at Petra...due to the need for water to easily enter the troughs, at the bottom of the "channels", while the covers still are keeping sunlight/heat out, to prevent the collected "condensate" from fits...just right...In hindsight, i have to pause, and wonder, how they kept disease ridden rats/mice, or other small creatures, from dying while living in the area under the covers??

  best wishes, John Kruschke--

P.S. : i will work on this more tomorrow...i have to go to work, washing, hi to everybody in the anthropology sector of the work-place...hope this is of use to somebody in the profession...

Thursday, January 4, 2018

--The Flip-Side (Continued)--

via instagram-

  This is a continuation of an earlier post of mine, on Instagram,  in regards to an old math riddle I am working on…here goes…

The “flip-side” (continued)--.

   Well, if we look at 1 flip of the coin, if the expected variance goes the other way, on the scale ( see my earlier “flip-side” post), 1 flip should have an expected variance of 0.4 , and 0.6, heads, and tails…If the expected variance model is congruent with the rest of the scale... Meaning, 0.4 and 0.6, for 1 flip of the coin…and 4, and 6, heads, or tails, at 10 flips…with 40 and 60 for 100 flips, and 400 and 600 for 1000 flips...So, does this indicate 60,000 flips heads, or 40,000 tails, at 100,000 flips??...I have my doubts... It seems good, except for the 0.4 heads, and 0.6 tails, at one flip...Meaning, it must be a whole number, of a value of at least 1…since we can not have a “partial flip”… And so, I feel that the variance should decrease exponentially, if the “expected deviation value” is small( the “range of deviation”), at low numbers of flips... Refining “expected deviation”, and not increasing the “range of expected deviation”...with larger “expected variance” values--


   Either way, moving the scale refines the “expected deviation”... Is it 0.4 and 0.6, heads and tails at 1 flip??...Again, I feel the value must be expressed in a whole number...Indicating to me, that the numbers must go up the scale, and not down, to refine "expected variance"...Meaning, my original notion in my first post about this problem, is most likely the correct one...

Best wishes, john kruschke--   :o)

   P. S. : My phone battery just died, and I lost what I was thinking about before this post could be posted...Sadly, good work is often lost, before the notion is saved by the person working the problem…oh now I remember...Can we deduce, that if the values of heads or tails, is greater than 20 percent, out of 100, that we then know, from the data collected, that the odds of getting heads or tails, is not “50, 50”??...or “50 percent”??...and is it then instead, an un-unequal value?? ( I feel that the data collected from the study, must reflect the “expected variance” of the “percent value” assigned to the study, or, the model has a different percentile, than the assigned value in the study) ...”Roll-it-around-awhile” everybody--  

--The Flip Side--

John Kruschke

via Instagram--

  I'm working on an old probability riddle... Here goes...

The question--

  The question… is about if you flip a coin, over and over…can It always be heads?? I say, no... Yes, it's a 50, 50, percent chance, each flip…yet, If we keep flipping, I feel it can not always be heads... And I feel we can utilize a math technique I use often, to check...if we crunch the problem a new way--

The gimbals--

    I believe we can prove/disprove the 50 percent value in the problem, via increasing the number of flips, meaning, if we increase the number of flips, the 50 percent chance each flip model should remain congruent...So, if we examine 100 flips, we should likely see 42 heads, and 58 tails, or a variation of heads and tails, being more, or less, occurring...and if not... I suggest that the coin is “weighted”, more on one side... Even though the odds should be 50, 50 each flip, each time…and the numbers generated should reflect that fact, if the percentage expected is put an even finer point on it, the "range of variance" is likely between 40 and 60, for heads and tails values... And we can then flip 100 times, 100 gain the "percentage of variance", per-hundred we can see, the range of expected variance is 20, heads or tails...and half of the value is 10...and this would bring the "mean" of the "curve", at an even 50 percent of the time heads, and tails... So, I suggest, that if the odds are truly "50, 50"...the numeric "percentage" of the odds, must be expressed, long term, or the value is not an accurate expression of the physical model being studied...meaning... It can't always be heads…Unless it's heads on both sides...?? So, In my opinion, At 10,000 flips, the variance should be 5,000 heads, and 5,000 tails...Unless, the original expected variance of 20, is still present... Except expressed in the ten's column of the values...Like 4,952 heads, and 4,948 tails... ?? 

The “flip-side”( summary)--

   It could be, that the variance increases??...Which is an interesting thought, if we flip ten times, we should get between 4, and 6, heads, and tails... And if we flip 100 times, we should get between 40, and 60, heads, and tails... And if we flip 1000 times, we should get between 400, and 600, heads, or tails...So, how do we deduce if my first notion, of the variance going exponentially down, with more flips, is correct??…or this last one??…With the value increasing, per-flip??

  I will post more about that another time( I’m out of free time to post with my cell-phone)…

Best wishes, john kruschke--