i had an epiphany this morning, about two places, and their intended uses...i have not researched whom had placed these stones as of yet, but i believe both were creations of the "Druids", for the
same reasons...here they are, for your inspection...
an engineering marvel,
even today, they
still stand, and were immensely heavy stones to move...stacking them in a way that would remain this long, is an
even greater feat...but the purpose, is a
far finer thing indeed, that i feel i may have stumbled upon yesterday, and a bit further today--
i suggest, that Stonehenge is a veeery early "surveying tool", that was used to derive the best angle-to-the sun, to make a road...the more sun a dirt road gets, the less muddy it can be, as the water that falls upon it, dries up almost immediately...allowing the road to remain pass-able for hundreds of years, if this concept is correct, any towns very near to Stonehenge, would have roads that align with the stone view-finders( three??), of the site( these would be used to derive the best angle to the sun, to make the city's
main grid-work of roadways, face the sun directly, and get the
most light)...this ancient "surveyor's-tool", was then used further, by making a fire in the center of Stonehenge, and the surveyor would go to a point
far away, and from there, his eyes would be the surveyor's "view-finder"( as we have today), and the fire, sighted through the correct arch-way, at Stonehenge, would give the "straight line" to build the road-way...one that would stay dry, at
all times( lasting
almost indefinitely)--
also, it might be, that the light of the three windows( view-ports), and the distance between them, was used to create a "math wedge", of two "isosceles triangles"( showing the distance of the two bases, from the point you are viewing from), to achieve the desired vector...as i feel, is also the case for the Egyptian pyramids...if this were correct, i feel that Stonehenge would only have three "arches", or "view-ports", and the
remaining stones at the site, to be "benches", or "pews"( a "pew", is "a place to sit and reflect"...possibly a word originating from a miss-pronunciation, in conversations
at Stonehenge, between those keeping the fires lighting the "view-ports" stoked, regarding others utilizing the technique far away??...jews??), in any case, i feel
any other stones(
besides the "view-ports"), at the site, where stones the persons tending the fire for lighting the "view-ports" would use to sit on, while minding their duties...i have not done any investigation about the Druid culture( a difficult task for a group this ancient), but, i suggest that, there is
likely a staff in the Druid culture, used by a "special surveyor", at Stonehenge( someone like "father time" perhaps, that used a staff with a "hanukkah rail" on it, or a
similar object, with the
same number of tines, for sighting to the "view-ports"...this "staff", would make obtaining the angle
less effort, and would
not require any "long-hand math", at the site, at a time when paper was scarce...)...
why bother??...after this first town near Stonehenge was built,
all of the roads in surrounding towns would likely mimic the
same angle that gets good sunlight between buildings( a modern example...as we
all know these days, is displayed very well, if a person utilizing a parking lot, parks out of the lines too far, resulting in,
all the other cars that park there afterward,
also parking poorly...one
dictates the other,
no question)...in this way, i feel Stonehenge set the standard for dry-roadways in the area...until enough distance away from the original towns that were aligned to Stonehenge, is had, where degradation of proper angles begins to occur, and roadways became muddy again...for
some strange reason( i find it incredible, that the towns around Stonehenge,
all have streets that are
very much parallel to each other, when built at a time
well before the invention of the compass...not likely a coincidence, at
all)...also...i noticed today, that the aerial view of Stonehenge, is
very similar to the lay-out of America's first flag...a circle of lights, surrounded by straight rows...hmmmm...we
did skip over "the pond" from there, didn't we??...they
are rather straight rows, aren't they??--
the practice of painting the outside of homes in Italy, and other european towns, yellow( or
other light colours), may have been to reflect light to the street in front of them( enhancing heat to the road/street, and
greatly reducing drying time)...in America, we
still paint the ceiling of porches white, or
other light colours, for the
same reason...increasing candle-power( although the candles of today, are usually electric...)--
Easter island--
the same principal is possibly "in-play", if a person's eyes are to be used as a surveyor's "view-finder", where the object the surveyor is sighting to, must be
huge, if the distance being surveyed is vast...on Easter island, i imagine the stones are
right by the shore, and face
outward...if this is correct, then something on the
other shore, correlates directly
to them...i suggest this to be the roadways, the reason there are more than one, would be so a parallel grid could be laid, instead of one that
fans-out, from
one point...these stones also act like "sun-dials", showing the angle that the road on the other side would be, to the sun, throughout the day...and i feel it may
not be a coincidence, if these two engineering marvels were made by the
same group of people( the "Druids")...also of note, by making the "sighting-posts" artistic, and
ominous, they may have eluded vandalism, and theft, these
many hundreds of years--
the Egyptian pyramids--
i believe these to be made for the
same reasons as Stonehenge, and Easter island, to make a road that
stays dry, from having the
best angle to the sun( or "sun-god"), in the case of the pyramids, i feel that when i investigate further, that i will find the Egyptians made
three large structures, near each other( at a
regular distance apart), to allow the center structure to be sighted-to( with a
special stick, that
may have had a "sight" on it), and the distance between the center structure, and the other two "monoliths", or "pyramids"( structures), would then show the distance of the base of two "equilateral triangles" on
each side of the center structure, to show the position the person "surveying" was, in relation to the
angle of the sun( i will explain another way, in a moment)...
if the three pyramids were in a row, but staggered( not in an
exact line), the positioning tool could be utilized from
any angle( 360 degrees around), as the three pyramid's points would
never "line-up", and
in fact, the
closer the the points are together, the
more extreme the angle you are standing, in relation
to them( showing position)...the distance between these points, and the height of the pyramids( showing the distance that the point you are standing at, is,
from them), is the way i feel that the pyramids may have been used, to build good roads...if we see a road-way differently( as a "solar panel"), the idea of positioning it to the sun at the best angle, is
more understandable...if shadows are cast across the road, when the sun is low in the sky( low heat-yield), but casts
none at "high-noon"( the time of
greatest "solar-value"), the concept becomes
dry road creates
few ruts, and requires
less, or
no, maintenance...the size of the objects the Egyptians were using, are
so large, that they could be utilized to maintain roads
incredibly far away...ones lost to sand-storms, or
other phenomenon...also of note, the angle of the pyramids, is such, that sand
cannot remain on it's surfaces, build-up, and over-load the roof( as steep angles keep the roof clear of debris, this concept is also utilized in the Swiss-alps, to prevent
heavy snow from collapsing buildings)--
i looked at Easter island's stones the other day, with "google-maps", and i realized a bit later, that the stones on Easter island were
indeed the
same concept as the pyramids in Egypt, inverted...this lead me to believe,
quite firmly, that the staff used in Egypt,
must look the
same as the stones on Easter island...and, taa-daa, the "hanukkah-rail" came to mind( "hanukkah" translates into "to decide" i believe), something steeped in tradition
so deeply, that it could
not be lost...the people in this culture are also those whom would likely be using such a staff( to position a roadway correctly, in relation to the sun, in Egyptian times), after escaping Egypt, the staff was taken with them, to ensure passable roads for their future generations( after enough time had passed, the
original function of the rail was lost), the slave that was the "inspector" was a
veery important person, and
may have been allowed to wear a
special cap( or "yamaca", a word meaning "pairs" in "theravada buddisum", that can be found in the "pali cannon"...in regards to the questions of "x-and-y"...hmmmm...), this cap may have been to designate him as someone to extend
every courtesy to, and
also a special allowance( to keep him from getting sun-burnt,
so badly, that the burn would go
right down to his
very soul...making him a
bit unpleasant to deal with...)...after their escape from Egypt,
every person in the Jewish culture, was likely decided to be "very important"( rightly), and the "inspector's cap", was worn by
all...joined to the culture permanently, so it would
never be lost--

if the "hanukkah rail" was the Egyptian staff, and three of the candles on it were aligned with the three pyramids, with the rail acting as a "weather-vane"( displaying the
correct angle, to build the road), then i feel that the land-based "hanukkah-rail" on Easter island, would have a staff to read the angle with three "tines" ( the
inverse of the Egyptian)...i thought about it awhile, and
what do you know...i recalled that the
devil is a mythical person that carries a staff with three tines( is he a legend remembered on Easter island??...i will
see about that...), this
begs the question...are there possible
factual reasons for our modern notion of his physical appearance( the devil's)??...he
has red skin...a
nasty sun-burn??( lots of road-work??)...and in many of the images i have seen of him, he wears a cap( from Ciaro??), this surveyor's "yamaka" cap, could explain
very well,
why our modern perceptions of the "devil" include horns, as a person with super-thick,
natural hair, that is long, would protrude out from under the cap, looking a
lot like "horns"...a myth derived from the extreme jealousy of
other men, and possibly generating rumors of his hair
merely being a wig( a
complete lie)...he
also had feet like a goat( a surveyor may have had to go to
great lengths, and perils, to position the road to the land-based rail on Easter island, with his staff...causing people to say he was "as sure footed-as-a mountain goat", eventually, becoming a legend that he
was part goat...or he may have simply worn leggings, known as "chaps"( in
some places), made from goat-skin( for
warmth), while surveying...another possibility, may be that the shape of his leg is a
visual dramatization of the veery high arches of his feet( something those with good balance usually have), as for his tail, i feel that this may have been an
ingenious "pocket-angle finder", that consisted of a triangular stone, with an "eye" in the center, that was tied to a rope...i believe that this weight, when in use, was dragged behind the person from his waist, for a
few paces, and the surveyor would then "square his shoulders",
to the "monoliths", so that the "tail", would show the viewing angle, and the "trident", would show the
proper angle for the road( giving the "x" and "y" coordinates)...as for "selling your soul to the devil"( to
get something), a passable road was
so important, in early history, that people may have
sold themselves into "indentured servitude", as payment,
instead of money( if they were
not wealthy)...the saying "one of the ways you know you are dealing with the devil, is that he never pays-off",
may be due to folks
not knowing what
exactly the devil was doing( "what-the devil is he doing"??), or, what they were buying from him anymore( as the information was lost, over time, to
all but the surveyor), surveying a road, that stays dry
indefinitely, may have been
so important, that the surveyor would work in secret, at night...leading to "joyous dancing" about the days profits, and the
ease they were obtained( "ever dance with the devil in the pale moon light??")...if a person wanted to hire the surveyor, they might wonder where to find him( "where the devil is he"??), the answer was probably "at the cross-roads"( which makes sense...as this is
still a good place to find a surveyor, but the modern ones
aren't so easy to spot, as they don't carry a three-tinned "trident", for aligning the roadway to the proper "monoliths"...i will
miss the "monoliths"...), this surveyor was probably also
so important a person, he could do
whatever he wanted...
period...leading the surveyor to cause a
lot of mischief with others...it
all fits...amazing--
the Mayan( photos of my prediction of the staff''s shape, are above)--
these temples were also likely to have been for the
same purpose, to find a good angle...for many things...was there a staff?...i will do some research( more later)--
i believe the Mayans are doing the
same thing as the rest, but are using the stairways( visible from
far away), as optics to get the angle to the sun, but are using the corner of the temple, or "monoliths", to
sight to, when surveying...
the buddhist system--
the shape of the "buddha" sitting, and corresponding staff( a "silhouette" of the "monolith")--
the hindu system--
the shape of the "hindi", and its
many arms,
with corresponding staff( a "silhouette" of the "monolith")--
incredibly, it would seem, that for
every large "monolith"( statue, or structure), that has
a cultural meaning( to the region it stands in), there is
very likely a "surveyors tool", being used to "sight-to" this "monolith", and "find square"...i believe that a person need
only look in the culture for the corresponding staff( the "silhouette" of the "monolith"), and then locate that system's "pocket angle-finder", or stone( one with an "eye" in the center, to tie a rope...perhaps a triangle, or a circle??)--
staff of japan/china--
it would appear that
everyone was in on this one...i believe the system in japan utilizes a "silhouette", or outline, of a "monolith" in the distance( the curved edge of the town's "palace", "temple", or
other "main structure"), to find the angle( the diagram is above...), when the staff gives the angle, combined with a heavy rope,
dragged a few feet( perhaps with a weight??...), an
accurate right angle is gained, that is "square" to the "daimyo's" home( the originator of "square" for the kingdom...aligned to the sun, to give dry roadways)...in fact, i feel that the system was
so impressive, and
super-important to japan, that the flag of the country now makes
very much more sense to me...the archways in japan that we see in the movies, positioned over their roadways,
could be tools, to
extend "square", throughout the empire...meaning,
all those that built anything, derived it from this archway over the road...and so, the center of the Japanese flag, is likely a symbol of the "daimyo's" home...and the
rays that extend outward, represent "square",
radiating outward, from
he whom was "Shogun"...
in Scandinavia--
a hammer( thor??), or possibly an ax( haggar the horrible??), may have been held up( as a "staff", for "surveying"...), to match the archway in front of the "main lodge"...to create
another archway,
far away, that a "long boat", or
other structure, requiring
good measurements, might have been made from...in
any case, the concept of "moving square" from a
central point, seems to be of use, to
many cultures...
all those with the "archways" are likely utilizing this technique...in the case of the Norwegian "boat-houses", i feel their roofs are the
way the builders were "finding square", during boat production, as it had a
special shape, on
both ends...matching the boat being built, or the "surveyor's staff"( hammer??), as well as being lodgings for the workers, and a
dry place to work, in bad weather...
if i am not mistaken, i feel i have also found the "means" in which the viking "long-boats" navigated, from this
same system, of finding "square"...i have no doubt that Leaf Ericson was as
brave as he was clever after reaching this conclusion, as he, and those
like him, that traveled the oceans this way, were utilizing a method of "surveying", to "find square"on land( from Ciaro??)...to travel the oceans...and survey more stuff(
all men seem to have a habit of finding
new uses for things, after they have mastered them)...those that met these men, while "surveying-abroad", may have wondered..."what the devil are they doing??"...( when they held up their axes to the castle walls)...the answer was
probably not a comfort( "surveying stupid...what's the problem??"), to build a "trebuchet"...
big problem...
not cool,
definitely not funny--
the means--
this answers the question of
how "the first line in the sand", to build an empire, was laid...and also
how Leaf Ericson roamed the seas, with
great accuracy...hint( it took
three days)...
also, i have realized the
reason for both the
shape of the "long-boat", and
why it was
so strong...a hint, the cause of the strength relates to my "torsion bar" post...meaning, the rails of the boat, and the "draft" of the ships...the system is
unbelievably complex, leaving me with a
sore head, from figuring out the
way the deed was done...i have it...as well as the reason why the famous viking's helmet, has
two horns( "haggar the horrible"??)...
ultra-super conjecture--
after understanding the system, i am seeing it deployed everywhere...the Romans, may have used an archway( the "Roman arch"??), and a staff( the "shepherd's cane", that we
still see today), if i am correct, this system is similar to that of Japan, and Scandinavia...but, i feel it may have lacked the precision of the Egyptian system( a staff consisting of a "hanukkah-rail", with seven "sighting-tines"), aligned to
three "monoliths", or "pylons"( the point to "sight" from, to gain the correct angle...), this leads me to ponder, if it
may be possible, that jesus, and the devil, may have had
more issues between them, than our "souls"...some of their differences could have been "work-related", as well...
the system of our lord--
jesus was a carpenter, as i recall, and a "square" building was likely a thing he thought about at times, something of importance, after standing back from his tedious work, and seeing the joints at the edges matching poorly, on
a few to many occasions...for this reason, he may have developed a dislike for the "shepherds cane"...( prompting him to
break it, over his knee??), and wander the desert for awhile...where he may have bumped into a "surveyor"( from Ciaro??), whom tried to tempt him to be his apprentice...for 40 years...( the guy was persistent i imagine), but, in the end, i hear he( jesus), passed on the deal, and instead, created his
own "surveying staff"( a "cross"...), one with the
same precision as the Egyptian system, but one that was inverted( as was the Easter island system...)--
could it be...that the issue we read about in the bible, where he destroyed a market-place, may have been about
more than the selling of religious things, but also
"basic services"( surveying), jesus may have seen someone( the devil), selling "square", or "surveying",
for profit.. with such
wild abandon, and nastiness, that he thought badly about the
whole system...he may have desired a "free-way", to gain "square", without a "surveyor"...
not a popular thing for the locals in the trade...these bad feelings, on
top of his teachings about the "after-life", may have lead to his death...i always got the feeling "Poncious Pilot" liked him, but, a person that wanted to abandon the "arch-way-system", that Rome had spent
much money on( although the cross was more precise...i'm sure they liked that part...), was un-pardonable by force, and so the locals were allowed to decide...i suspect that "the lord's system", of using the cross to "sight square", from a church's steeple( a "monolith"), continued on,
well after the death of jesus...meaning, each cross, on
every church in the united states, was likely used to "build square"--
i am troubled to note that even jesus' "crucifixion" may have been arranged in a pattern to slight this "better system"...three crosses, with three persons, attached to the crosses at three points.. that
any of his students could "sight-square" from, if they liked...probably
not a coincidence...
P.S. : this post is unfinished, i hope those of all religions can appreciate the fact that i feel jesus had
more in the bag than the "after-life"...he worked and lived..and his work was of
good quality i believe...)-- :o)
some of our modern symbols we use today seem to be derived from "surveying"...once you have the idea mastered, you see it everywhere...we
really have no idea how sharp our forefathers were, very, very, long ago...the Egyptians, Mayans, and others, had a
loong time to get things right( good roads, that stayed dry, and the practice of building structures that were "square", for added strength w/longevity, was, in my opinion, their key to a thriving community/civilization), the reason for all of these civilizations being lost, may be due to a great many persons choosing to "strike-it-out-on-their-own", and the high numbers needed to maintain these huge cities was depleted, to a point beyond function...the wheel needs a certain number of "cogs", to turn...without them, a great wheel will stand for
all time, that does
not turn, and
no-one is aware of
why it ever did...
early surveyors' short-hand--
# : a ( Roman/Egyptian??) symbol, for use on a map, to designate where the regent( "pharo") had "surveyors" deployed...a symbol for "the cross-roads", making it
easy to send a "runner" to the "surveyor", whom "relayed" messages( scrolls), about construction desires, or redeployment orders, to a
different spot on the map--
? : a ( Roman/Egyptian??) symbol, made by builders, to mark a spot to be checked for "square" by the "surveyor"( circled in the sand), to the nearest "Roman arch-way"( hence the symbol of the shepherd's cane, above a point on the ground)--
ok : the resulting symbol after the surveyor had checked the spot for "square", after rubbing out the "?", and drawing a "k"( the symbol for "square"), to designate that the post going in that spot, was "square" to the archway--
k : the symbol for "square" used by the surveyor( a straight line showing the angle to the sun, and an arrow pointing to it, the arrow could also be seen as a pyramid, with a horizon...or a symbol for a "right-angle"..."square"...--
$ : the symbol for a surveyor's pay, an "s", with a roadway going through it...hmmm, why an "S"...hmmm...
x : x represents the
initial point "surveyed", for the structure being built( the spot to put a post-hole)..."x marks the spot"...
literally, x also represent "times", for multiplying wages to be paid to the "surveyor"( the birth of modern mathematics...example : $10 units of pay x 100 points to be surveyed = $1000 units of pay)--
+ a symbol used by the builders to decide which points that the "surveyor" had marked, were to be used for the structure...all the plus's( "o+" ), are counted at the beginning of the job...( +100 is an example )--
- a symbol used by the builders, to decide which points that the surveyor measured for "square" were to be used to erect the structure( what holes will receive posts)...example : ( + 100 posts marked - 25 posts not needed, = $75 units of pay, or "money" )--
% a symbol used to divide posts being "surveyed"( for situations when there is more than one "surveyor" on site, and wages are "divied", or shared, from the
same project--
= a symbol showing two surveyor's lines( with nothing in between them?? signifying that pay has been "divied" equally, between
all of the "surveyors" working on the project??...i am still working on this one)--
! the exclamation point...looks to be the symbol used in turkey, or other ares with "monoliths" that were a
single column( ones like the "Washington monument", that we have in the United states...i notice in some of the US marines commercials, they show a
serious man, holding a sword in a manner that
might match the "silhouette" of the "Washington monument"...naaaa...couldn't be...)--
clearly( to me), these surveyors were those that birthed our modern system of math, for the purpose of quantifying wages due, for services rendered( these guys liked to count their chickens, hatched or no)...astounding, even the symbol for money( a "$" sign), displays the service that can be, or
was, provided( an "s" looks a lot like an ambling road, and a "$", could be seen as an "s", with a nice, straight( dry) road going through it...displaying the shortest distance between two points( with a hell-of-a lot less mud in it), used as a reminder to the buyer, of the service rendered...also, "surveyor" starts with an "s", perhaps the name abbreviated, with a nice, straight( dry) road, going through it...i'm still speculating about this one-- more later...
a flash-in-the-pan--
i had a breakthrough this morning, regarding a few old phrases, related to this concept--
ok...i feel this is a surveying term, the "o", marks the spot the surveyor "put his foot down", and said "that's it, right here", this circle, marking the spot for a post to be planted, was then labeled with a "k"...the symbol for "square"...meaning it's square...the back of the "k" is likely the angle in relation to the sun, and the forward side of the "k" is an arrow pointing to the line, in the direction of the "monolith"...i believe that the "surveyor" would mark
all the post-holes, and then say "i'm done" , or perhaps "it's all ok"...just before he split, to go chasing girls at the pub( similar to today)...i am
sure he had a good time on the job-site...the fun of marking the first hole, and saying " it all starts now", must have been a thrill...more later
"three squares a day", may have been a reference to checking "square", three times each day, for a living...or trading "surveying services" for meals, from
less affluent customers--
"i'm putting my foot down", may be a reference to the beginning of something big, as this is the phrase i feel the "surveyor" may have spoken often( or the owner/builder), when he had chosen the first point to start the structure from...a "heavy" moment for all, i am sure--
i, for one, will go a
bit slower through construction zones...
regardless of the fines...something
very serious is going on there(
no kidding)--
a word about the religious aspects of this post...i am not surprised the devil might decide to take this form( a "surveyor"), as it provided a
great advantage( i am a church going person)...also, it would appear that the devil, and jesus, were at
odds about
more than where we go after we die( the issues seem to be work related as well), whether a person is of either faith( pegan/christian), the fact that both had
more going on than religion,
is of interest...a carpenter( jesus), and a "surveyor"( the devil), the carpenter chose
not to become an apprentice( after 40 years of the surveyor trying to recruit him), and instead, created a
new system(
very cool)--
wild speculation--
at the end of the carpenters life( jesus), i wonder if the surveyor may have gone to the site to take measurements...
not for spite, but for the respect of the apprentice he always wanted, and the new system he derived...as this post is
only about the science of both systems, i am making efforts to write in an impartial way( scientist stuff...what a bother, not taking sides)--
best wishes, john kruschke