most world travelers know about this one, but i thought i would post about this issue a bit, in case anyone that reads this is going abroad( being prepared is part of being safe)--
the skinny--
"cajoling artists"( sometimes pronounced "cajoling arteeests", to "church-it-up a bit"), often hypnotize tourists, and they willingly give their passports, or money, to the perpetrator...the practice works, so well, that nobody knows it's happening( even the victim), there are a few books to read about the subject( i have no titles at this time), and i believe there are some "self-defense classes" that a person can take, to defend against this problem( i may take a few before i travel)...
i believe the term "con" in the field of fraud, is short for, a "con artist", is a "cajoling artist"( it's about the "root-word", and they way it's often pronounced), the same is likely true of the term "old codger"...a reference to a "slippery old-timer", that obtains things through dubious means( trickery)--
the how--
the hypnotist accesses a part of the brain that the person does not normally use( dormant, as we only use 10 percent of it, most of the time), in this way, the person can be given suggestions without the conscious person's knowledge...and they will do them, regardless of circumstances, or personal feelings( the notion that they will not do anything they normally would, is, unfortunately, my untrained opinion, due to the unused area of the subjects brain, having never been present, for any on the main brain-portion's life events, or moral training)--
long term issues--
a word of caution, regarding the extreme over-use of hypnosis/hypnotic therapy on a person...i feel that repeated hypnosis, may lead to the development of "cumulative experiences"...meaning, that the hypnotic suggestions, and their resulting experiences( actions), will eventually "add-up", to a second "personality", of sorts...i believe that one of the ways street hypnotists( and serious professionals), access this area of the brain, is with a very bright light( the brain may be forced to protect itself, via a very bright light being shined continually into the subject's a result, the primary area, that the nerves of the eye input signals to, is endangered...and must be accomplish this, i contend that the brain switches to an alternate "input sector", to compensate)...and "whhalaa"...we have a section of the person's subconscious "quartered-off", for fooling about...if this notion is correct, getting to an area of the brain that is not used, is easy, if you are well doing some reading about hypnosis, you will find there are many other techniques of use, to "get into" an unused area of a person's of them is asking directions...while giving directions( this forces the person to use the "non-dominant side" of their brain, this way is common, as well as the method where the "perp"( hypnotist) moves their eyes, in a back and forth motion, rapidly( like the famous watch, dangling from a chain, that hypnotists often use in the movies), there are many many to list, and i have only read about a few( i am unable to perform any of them...but, i might be getting my head around the concept here)--
in my opinion, the method of moving a watch back and forth( or the hypnotists eyes), works, due to the subjects eyes following( tracking), the movement of the watch, from right to left...when the watch crosses the person's field of vision in the right eye, to the left, the subject's nose blocks the vision of one of the eyes( as a result, i suggest that the subject's brain must switch inputs, to the other side of the brain, through the "hippocampus", to continue tracking the object...this eventually becomes exhausting for the brain to sustain, over a long period, and, as a defensive mechanism, the brain "switches" to an alternate input sector of the brain( so that the main input sector, does not "burn-out", or become damaged), i feel that after this first "hypnotic trance" is achieved, the unused area of the subject's brain is probably very easy to get to, by a professional, or "street hypnotist"( once a pathway is created, it may be easily traveled again)--
in "layman's terms"--
if we see the brain as a car stereo, one that has a slot for a c/d, and a tape, as well as an "aux-in", and an am/fm tuner, the objective that any hypnotist is trying to achieve, is clear...if the stereo has a c/d slot, that is not working, or is being used already( like a person's conscious mind, or a person with a "locked subconscious mind"), the tape slot can be used, with an adapter, to play the desired music( without utilizing the c/d slot)..."tactile hypnosis" works this same way, the hypnotist touches the person without warning, opening an area of the brain that is not normally used( a "fight-or-flight" response), and the desired suggestions are made( "give me your passport", ect...), "audible hypnosis" is another input, if "tactile hypnosis" does not work, and "visual hypnosis" is yet another option( the right, and left eyes, are not connected, but, instead go to separate sides of the brain, the same as a person's hearing does)..."audible hypnosis"( hearing), "tactile hypnosis"( touch), "visual hypnosis"( sight), and reading( which i believe is "visual", and "audible" hypnosis, combined...due to a person "hearing" the words they read, in their heads, mentally, while they read)...these are all input options, available to the hypnotist, to reach an area of a person's brain, that is not being used, by the "main portion" of a person's brain( the dominant side...depending on if you are right, or left handed), i feel that right handed person's, are likely less effort to hypnotize, due to the creative side of their brain, being largely unused( if we only use 10% of our brain's, there are at least nine sections remaining, to use for "hypnotic suggestions"...or more, depending on the subject...), in each of the styles i have mentioned, to reach an unused area of the brain, the nerves have "stereo", or two inputs, to the brain from the same sense( hearing, sight, ect...), this forces a "by-passing" of the "hippocampus"...creating a direct route, to an area of the brain for "programming", that does not go through the "hippocampus"...and is "mono", or "less resistant" for any "information"( sensory input) or "actions"( deeds), to travel...or to be done( "lightning-boy")--
a note about a concept mentioned above--
i suggest, that due to a person's "native language" being learned through speech, initially( they hear it spoken to them first), when a subject reads information( books, ect...), they will be "hearing it mentally", in their "subconscious voice"( similar to when they think to themselves), resulting in the reader utilizing the visual, and audible, sections of their mind( in that order), leading to an area of the brain that is not often activated( unless the person reads very frequently), i contend that this might be a final means of gaining access to the "subconscious" of a subject( in addition to sight, hearing, and touch) for the sense of smell, i do not feel that this can be used as a way to "get in" on a person, initially( to hypnotize them/ or cue a "hypnotic state"...unless a hypnotist has already "programmed" the subject's brain, to respond to a smell, by completing "hypnotic suggestions", or become "entranced/frozen"), this is due to my assumption that the sense of smell does not have "pairs" of nerves, that go to each side of the brain( "in-stereo"), although i may be mistaken( more study is needed)--
hypnotic quandaries--
once a "street-hypnotist", or a trained professional, "gets-in" on a subject( obtains access to an unused portion of the person's brain), i feel that they can once again give hypnotic instructions, to the subject, without their knowledge( unbeknownst to the subject's conscious mind)...but, unfortunately for the hypnotist, i suggest that the original area that the hypnotist was using, for previous instruction, may not be reached, if the area is "locked", by another "hypnotic professional", or due to the subject remembering the "hypnotic instructions/experiences" there-in...this situation, of multiple hypnotists, or "programmers", working on the same subject( particularly if they are not aware of each other), may be extremely dangerous...seen as a computer program, that ten people are writing, to "hack" a computer, the issue becomes person writes in a line of code that freezes the boot sequence, if you hit the letter "a" on the keyboard...and the fix is to hit the "cntrl" button, plus the number 3...the other "hacker" writes a line of code that disables the number pad, that is reversible if the letter "a" is we have a situation, where the computer may not be "booted-up", no matter what is done, by anyone...this serious situation is easily obtained if reckless hypnosis is allowed to be performed, by "random street-hypnotists", on the same subject( if a person is very easy to hypnotize, due to many previous hypnotic sessions, in an area of the world "thick" with street-hypnotists, a "hypnotic-quandary" may occur...causing serious injury to the victim)...
lastly, i believe that a person this easy to hypnotize, would be a complete detriment, to anyone that they encountered( if street hypnotists were manipulating them), due to any hypnotist, being able to easily "program" them, and cause serious trouble, for whoever they wish( that is interacting with the victim)...
family secrets--
there are likely so many areas of the brain unused, that they are limitless, the way to reach them is probably known, and handed down, from person to person, like a family tradition...even the simple act of concentrating on something, intently, is a potential way, to "get-in" on someone( as the person "tunes-out" everything but what they are doing...allowing the other areas of the brain that are not being used, to be programmed easily), i feel that the area of "programming" must be out of the "main" area of the brain being used( the conscious mind), or the subject will remember the instructions, immediately after the situation the person is concentrating on, ends( the task is completed)--
an epiphany--
"split-personality" disorders may sometimes be generated from undiscovered "hypnotic abuse", from early childhood...each hypnotic session, to perform an act that is to be kept secret, or "session", to "erase" the memory of the victim, compiles( adds up), until the section of the victim's brain used for "programming" becomes "self-aware", and a separate individual, is present within the same brain, but located on the "non-dominant" side...i am hopeful that the cure for this disorder is the same as the best defense for "street-hypnosis"...that being, the action of "locking" each of the subject's "sensory inputs", resulting in the person/patient to eventually remember, all of the "suggestions, or "programming", that lead to the patient's condition( bringing all of the sectors together, and allowing the patient to "remember" all of the situations, that both personalities have encountered, i feel that this will eliminate the problems generated from two sectors of a person's brain, attempting to live their lives separately, within the same body...)--
what to do--
in my opinion, finding a way that brings all the areas of the brain together, on a regular basis, is the best remedy...i am still researching ways to do that, so world travel is less dangerous( i am not aware that "street hypnosis" is a common american issue, although it may be in our prison systems??...i have not heard either way)...something that utilizes the left, and right side of the brain, would be good, but reading about hypnosis, is probably the best method...from the minimal research i have done online, i have heard about "mental locking"( i read an article about "hypnotic abuse" online some time ago, that was written for the treatment of child abuse, the abusers were using hypnosis to cover their activities), in this system, the victim is hypnotized, and a code is given to them, that only they know, and they are then suggested that they will not respond to any further hypnotic suggestions...for the rest of their lives...this may work, but i fear a trained person may be able to regain access again through a different input( sense), and that all of the senses mentioned in the paragraphs above, would also need to be "locked", until access to an unused portion of the victim's brain is no longer possible--
--seek the attention of a professional about this interesting problem...hypnosis, by untrained persons is dangerous, especially unwanted "street-hypnosis"( in my opinion)...i feel it should be illegal, unless performed by a physician--
best wishes, john kruschke--