i had an epiphany at work about the true reason we all must sleep, i got it in less than 2 minutes...due to my previous work on the endocrine system, a process that utilizes lactic acid drawn from the exertion of the muscles, sent to glands via tubes, where the bodies immune system fights a controlled infection( planned/needed), to create a usable "by-product", that is needed to perform some function within the body else where, any "by-products" incurred at the next stage( likely collected into a gland), are then refined once again, into usable "by-products"( hormones, ect...ect...), separated by specific gravity/weight, until the body finally voids/excretes them, out of the body, as they serve no other useful purpose--
the skinny( posted from my facebook page)--
An epiphany while at work, about "rem sleep"--
i believe the rapid eye movement of "rem sleep" actually produces lactic acid( the true importance of this natural action during sleep), that is then refined by a gland, into a hormone, that becomes depleted from being awake all day( i feel that this gland is the "hippocampus", which is connected to the eyes), i suggest this hormone must be replenished for the body to function...a controlled infection, within the gland, might then separate its contents via specific gravity, allowing the lighter, and heavier, "by-products" of the controlled infection, to rise or sink...to be separated and utilized for different brain functions...this might well explain the need for sleep...although meditation, with "rem" eye movement, may yield the same results...without actual sleep--
the skinny--
if the above concept is correct, i feel i can accurately assess the true reason for insomnia, i suggest, that a subject whom is suffering from this condition, is actually experiencing an over-abundance of the hormone created from rapid eye movement, and that a person with insomnia, is likely moving his/her eyes rapidly, while awake( "rem")...an action without thought( unconsciously), generating too much of a necessary thing, and as a result, the subject does not get tired, from depletion of the hormone...
split personality correlation--
i feel this concept is also "in-play" within a patient with "multiple personalities", a situation where the body of the subject never actually rests, instead, portions of the mind rest( the limbs, and other parts, do not), meaning, during the waking hours of one of the patient's personalities, normal eye movement occurs( this produces lactic acid from the eye muscles getting tired), i believe the lactic acid produced, is then sent to the "hippocampus", and then on to both sides of the persons brain( the entire thing), enriching the dormant section of the patient's other persona...meaning, this dormant personality is not being depleted of the needed hormone, when the other personality is awake, and that when the sector of the brain with the persona whom was awake, becomes sleepy/tired, the dormant side awakens, ready to go, due to it having not been depleted of the hormone, while dormant( it was being enriched with the hormone, from normal eye movement, while the subject's other side was awake)...and it goes on and on like this, one of the subjects personas is awake and depleting it's section of the mind of the hormone, even though the eyes are generating lactic acid from normal eye movement, during awake time( i feel that "rem" eye movement generates far more lactic acid than normal eye movement)...eventually, the person whom is awake becomes sleepy, due to normal eye movement not generating as much lactic acid as the "hippocampus" is consuming, to remain awake, inducing the personalities of the subject to "flip", from the exhausted one, to the persona that was dormant, allowing the body to resume functions, with the other personalities section of the mind, that has not been depleted of the hormone, to take the helm--
about the hormone( compilation)--
i suggest, that the hormone is comprised of all the things that the "cornea" encounters, throughout the day, and this means dust mites, and the little bacteria found on the surface of the lens( that i believe are in fact, feeding/living off of the unfortunate dust mites, that land on them)...i also suggest, that the excretions of the bacteria found on the eyes lenses, their expired bodies, and any remnants of the consumed dust mites, are all mixed into the volume of lactic acid that the eye muscles produce from normal muscle exertion, while awake, and also during "rem eye movement" in sleep, i believe this lactic acid is then sent on to the "hippocampus"...where a controlled infection refines the mixture, into specific hormones, to be sent on to different sections of the brain, for different functions, depending on the specific gravity of the compounds created within the "hippocampus"( i believe the lighter "by-products" go up, and the rest descend, or remain "in-place", within the "hippocampus")...and so, i feel that there is more than lactic acid flowing from our eyes tired muscles, it's a mixture of many things, that the eye encounters, that are sent on to the "hippocampus", and then to the entire mind...whether in use, or not--
i feel that this B.S., is good B.S., of use to start a conversation with your doctor, and nothing more...
best wishes john kruschke--
P.S. : i was kinda miffed i could not upload my refined post from my instagram account last night...i had to rewrite almost the whole thing, just now( ?? silly hassle, for what??)-- geezz...