i recently had an issue, with my "audible sensory apparati"( ears), one of the poor things seems a tad worse for the wear, after( i believe), i sustained a full-frontal assault, via a type of insect( a highly trained one, i might add), the results were devastating...i am re-grouping at present, to repel any further actions from these raiders...in the mean-time, i have a few thoughts about the ear, and it's many functions while under duress...here they are, for everyone's inspection--
i noted today, that the "tragus", or bulb, on the external surface of a person's ear, is the first to swell if there is trouble( for me anyway), this tends to cause swelling in the cartilage above the opening of the ear canal...closing it( a very cool thing, if there be insects afoot)...but, there seems to be more to this swelling than the closure of the canal, i suggest, that the bulb( "tragus"), acts like a small "bio-pump", milking toxins from the ear canal, and also the middle ear's "tympanic cavity"( most important, in my opinion)...this pump's capillary action, then pulls toxins from the ear, to it( the "tragus"), resulting in an infection in the "bulb", instead of the "middle ear", or the ear-canal( working like an appendix), i further suggest, that this fluid, that collects in the bulb( swelling), separates the toxins( that then float to the top of the fluid, within the "tragus"), after the infection has passed, the bulb( "tragus"), dries out, and life goes on...pondering the reason for this bio-pump, gave me a big clue, that the system of the ear we know today, is not completely accurate...here are my views...
the "hook" of the ear's exterior surface--
this little edge, is deceptively simple, yet functions in a complex system...if we see the sound wave hitting the ear's exterior surface, as a cool "explosion's shock-wave" like the ones we see on tv so often( the "shock-wave" of an "a-bomb" is a famous example), this "shock-wave" originating at the center of the ear, and radiating outward, until the first contact of the hook, at which time, all other parts of the "width" of the wave, would then be "compressed", against the edge of the hook...causing "sonic pressure" to build in the center, forcing the wave's "reverb", into the ear canal...like a little smoke-ring, with an equal harmonic as the original wave...this notion, also could explain a dynamic i feel is on-going within the "cochlea" of the inner ear...i contend, that a sound-wave, is exactly the same dynamic as the "shock-wave" of an "a-bomb"( in miniature), and that some veery small air molecules are dragged along for the ride, when a sound-wave is generated...these air molecules, that move "in-tandem" with the sound-wave, are, what i feel is best described as, "sympathetic-particle movement", this concept, is the means that i feel the cochlea uses, to generate enough compression, to achieve a spark, that is then sent to the brain as a signal...essentially, the dynamics of the cochlea, are that the apparatus is wide at the entrance, near the "eye"( or "blow-off valve"), any "sonic-movement" from the wide end of the cochlea( where one of the bones within the ear attaches), is exaggerated, at the smaller end( creating higher sonic pressure/compression)...as is the case with a hydraulic brake master cylinder, in a car...a bigger master, means more movement in the lines, with less pedal travel required...i believe that if a cochlea had it's small-end nipped-off, and a glass one was glued on, with a strong "cold-weld", that a spark would be seen at the replaced tip( a glass one), in a dark room( a gap, between ground, like automobile spark-testers use, would naturally be needed)--
high-low-middle tone-separation dynamics( swirly)--
i am imagining that the cochlea has three nerves that go to it, and this would indicate that the cochlea has three "tips"( points), that generate sparks( one for each of the three ranges of sound)...i find it of intense irony, that( as i intend to show), we all walk around this world with something within our heads( two things to be precise), that operate on the same basic principals that started everything...all that we have, or will ever know, in the entire universe...the "swirly"( see "swirly" post)...
i suggest, that the cochlea sends the sound wave, and the "sympathetic particles" that travel with it, from the large opening of the cochlea, to the three nerve-points( where the sparks for each tone are generated, from compression), i feel that the key to this system, is to see the cochlea working exactly like the rings of Saturn...meaning, that the "sympathetic particles" that move with the sound wave, through the cochlea, align from lightest( closest to the "apex" of the center of the cochlea's spiral), to heaviest( farthest away from the center of the apex, closest to the exterior wall of the cochlea)...amazing...a little model of Saturn, and planet formation...that works like a black-hole, compressing the air-molecules to infinity, and creating an ignition, from the resulting pressure...many, many, times per second...the three cochlea points would then be arranged from the outer edge of the cochlea, to the center...three points, creating three sparks, to give the three ranges of sound, to the right, and the left side, of the brain--
also, i am noticing that all the workings of the ear, seem to be a conversion of sound waves, to a small enough value, that is exactly equal to the original big one...to "line level"( for the safety of the cochlea's fragile walls)--
the ear canal--
this canal, in my opinion, can be seen as more of a venturi, between two caves( acting like a reverse-amplifier), the sound waves hit the outer ear, and are forced into the ear canal...the way in which sounds are "pressed" into the ear's canal, is, what i would call "sonic-pressure", this pressure, is then enhanced, from the sound-wave impacting the "little hook" that the outer ear has at it's edges( a reverb, or bounce-back effect, is created from this feature...bouncing the sound back to the center, to create "sonic pressure"), these sound-waves, are then sped-up, like air molecules are, when they pass through a "venturi"( the ear-canal)...this amplifies the force of the sound-wave( smoke-ring) even further( at a new, miniature size), before it encounters the ear-drum...the ear-drum, then transfers the sound to the larger chamber, of the "tympanic cavity"...vibrating it's walls( not the middle ear's bones directly)...and so, i suggest, that the bones of the middle ear, are connected to the exterior of the "tympanic cavity", for more reasons than support...and that, in fact, the walls of the cavity move the bones, in an equal harmonic pattern as the small waves sent through the ear drum, from the outer ear, to finally contact the "tympanic cavity's" interior surfaces...this would explain, very well, why the "tympanic cavity" is a "controlled space", for the reverse-amplification, and conversion, of sound-waves...from waves, to physical taps( line level), and then to electric impulses, or "signals"( sparks within the cochlea)...once a person realizes the importance of the veery slight hydration, and flexibility, of the "tympanic cavity's" walls, i feel we can deduce that the ear drum does not merely transfer sound to the walls of the "tympanic cavity", and that it's most important function, is to seal the "tympanic cavity", from the elements( keeping it from becoming too dry), yet being thin enough, to allow the best transference of sound...as well as being "hinged", so a person may "pop their ears", and clear the "tympanic cavity" of water, or other debris...i feel, that this action of clearing the ears( "popping them"), is the breakage of the connection of the ear-drum, at it's edges, to the ear canal( probably in a half-moon), if this is correct, the issue of hearing degradation, from torn ear-drums, may be merely a thickening of the drum, from a tear in the center, instead of a break at the edges( like when you "pop" your ears), this thickening, from scar-tissue, created during the healing process, then reduces the drums ability to transfer sound...leading me to conclude, that the level of dryness, within the "tympanic cavity", is of the utmost importance, and that blockage of the drains to the inner ear's "tympanic cavity", may produce multiple ear infections, that ultimately scar the interior surfaces of the "tympanic cavity"( thickening them), and thereby reducing it's ability to emulate the vibrations of the sound-waves that strike it, which are then transferred to the bones of the inner ear( resulting in a hearing impairment)--
inner-ear dynamics--
i lost my phone a moment ago, after an epiphany...about the way the "inner ear" sends signals to the brain...found it, here goes--
after some research( a few minutes worth), i made some conclusions about hearing, from all of the diagrams that i viewed online( i used a "google-search"), i feel, that the bones of the "inner ear", are moved by the outer surfaces of the "tympanic cavity"( as mentioned above), any diagram of the "inner ear" will show, that these two bones( within the "tympanic cavity"), are suspended closely together, so that they can "tap" against
each other...very much like a "morse code telegraph" does...sending the "taps" to
the outer surface of the cochlea( or, "sea-shell"), within the "inner-ear"( i notice
the end of the bone is shaped like a "tuning fork", in all the diagrams, possibly modifying the
harmonic a bit further, or more likely, a simple way to "triangulate" the connection, of the bone-to-the-cochlea..."three points determine a plane"...), this principal, is well known in auto mechanics,
as, in the old days, before the "auto-mechanics stethoscope" was invented, a broom
handle was cut, and held tightly against the running engine being diagnosed, so that the
technician's skull( head) could be pressed tightly to the other end of the handle, allowing the tech to sense( hear) , the vibrations( sounds) of the engine...this "hearing" of the sounds within the engine, was obtained from the technician's "tympanic cavity" being "harmonically vibrated", through the broom-handle, by the running engine...obtaining the same results as sound hitting the outer ear, and then traveling through the canal, to the ear-drum...ultimately, vibrating the bones of the "inner ear"( do not try at home)--
the "vibro-sonic" hearing aid( crazy idea)--
after some thought about the old "broom-handle stethoscope trick", it occurred to me, that a deaf person might be able to hear the engine of a car, while it was running, in this manner...leading me to conclude, that the deaf person would also hear a "by-standard", that was yelling into the valve cover, if the oil-cap was removed( a long tube to yell into, may reduce mess to ones-self, while conveying sentiment to the deaf individual, utilizing the broom-handle...), taadaaa...a 200 horse-power hearing aid...unbelievable, i feel this principal is workable, due to the engine's internal noises becoming "back-ground noise", and the person's speech going into the motor, being added to the "total-sonic value" being sent through the broom-handle, to the deaf person's "inner ear"...a broom handle is quite long, insulating the delicate inner ear from too much vibration, study of this concept would be needed, to find a small vibrating device that could also have a simple "dished exterior", that was fixed to the side of the deaf person's head( as is the modern "cocliar implant" of today...), perhaps, cell-phone vibration technology, paired with a simple exterior( the size of a ketchup-bottle's cap, that is "dished" on the side facing outward, with the "dish" functioning as an "array"??)...in this way, i suggest that the regular vibrations of the device, would cause the "tympanic cavity", or the cochlea( depending on the strength of the vibrations, and the person's needs), to "harmonize" with the "vibro-sonic hearing aid", causing regular, "static" vibrations, when there is no sound, and additional noises that the device incurs( sound), would then be added to the "static-value", when a person was hearing...transferring the desired sounds( vibrations), to the "inner ear"( the "total-sonic value")...
the cochlea--
this sound wave,
that is generated in the cochlea, is then utilized as pressure...the
central opening of the cochlea( or "eye"), is, in automotive terms, a "blow-off valve",
as seen in turbo-systems...essentially, too great a pressure, from a tap that is too hard( from
the bones within the ear ), and the pressure is "vented", out this
opening in the cochlea( or "sea-shell" )...as for the means the cochlea uses
to change this "sonic pressure" into signals to the brain, i feel the
way is via a "diesel spark" principal...the cochlea receives the sonic
waves at the opening of a spiral, that tapers into a smaller, and smaller
point...at this final point, the pressure becomes high enough, to generate a
spark, and it then travels to the brain, through the nerves--
i believe that
deafness from very loud sounds, is likely a cracked "cylinder wall"( within the cochlea,
or "sea-shell"), a potential remedy may be, the removal of the cochlea, to epoxy it??( or another means of
restoring compression), i feel that this concept( crack repair) will produce hearing...every time...the other
variable that seems to be of issue, is the delicate
balance of thickness, and the amount of dryness/hydration, within the ear's "tympanic
cavity"...we( science), know that every hearing person/being, has a "natural infection" within their "tympanic cavity", and i suggest, that this lubricates the bones, so they will not fuse, as well as hydrating the "tympanic cavity's" walls, so that they are very soft, allowing them to
react to sound waves, easily...if this infection within the ear becomes to
severe, too thick a film is likely generated, on the interior
surfaces of the "tympanic cavities" walls( deadening sound)...the inverse condition, of too dry an interior surface within the "tympanic cavity", may cause
stiffening of the the "tympanic cavities" walls...possibly resulting in the immobilization of the inner ear's bones, and the "fusing" of them...the question...what to do about the walls thickening from
repeated infections( how can we thin them??), and what to do about renewing the
delicate balance of "ideal fluidity" within the "tympanic cavity"??...i'm
working on it...the type of infection, hydrating the "tympanic cavity's" bones, and it's surfaces, may only be a few variants, between all
individuals...study will be needed, to derive a system to "thin" the walls of
the "tympanic cavity"( a light enzyme??), or a procedure to repair any cracks to the cochlea...as of today, i have no clues about achieving either objective( i leave it to science)--
--work continues below this point...out of time at the library...best wishes, john kruschke--
the question--
will a person whom has been deaf all their life, hear the internal sounds of an engine, if they utilize the old "broom-stick method", for sensing internal engine sounds( instead of listening through a modern "mechanics stethascope")??...i feel the answer is, yes...what are the main reasons for hearing impairment??...for me, i feel that the thickness of walls of the "tympanic chamber"( as mentioned above), the connection of the bone to the cochlea, inner ear lubrication viscosity, cracks to the cochlea( from over-pressure), and burned-out nerves to the sensory-input area of brain, from sustained over-volts, as is the case in M.S....( see M.S. post), are the leading factors for hearing loss...finding remedies for these exact issues, may mean no person, ever need be deaf...i leave the issue to modern medicine to sort out( unless i do first...), best wishes to all...john kruschke--
neuro-logical super-conjecture--
if i am correct, in my belief that the cochlea in the "inner ear", generates a spark, per sound wave generated, by a "tap" from the bone in the ear's "tympanic chamber", via compression( a diesel ignition), i feel that all signals to the brain are read in the same manner...an inward flow of electrical current...this conclusion may have improved my "visual-mental-picture" of the central nervous system...i suggest, that the senses of touch, sight, and smell, are all created via "static electricity"( the static charge that builds-up around a person's skin), this charge, can not go through the skin, to the "ground-wire" of the brain( the nerve), in the underlying tissue...sending a signal( spark), to the brain, to be interpreted as pain/pressure/heat, depending on the value of the skin's moisture-content...this system may work similar to a touch-screen on a computer, the touch, grounds the skin to the tissue beneath, that then, conducts the charge to the nearest nerve...could the feeling we get from heat against the skin, be a decrease in the insulating value of that skin??...allowing the "static electricity" to reach the tissue below, at a slightly greater amount( very slight), and, in the case of a burn-victim, could all resistance of the skin be completely lost, from dehydration( allowing a free-flow, of the "static charge" surrounding the body, to reach the nerves in the area of the affected skin...sending extreme volts, constantly, to the brain...generating extreme pain), these sustained volts, flowing past the burnt, non resistive skin layer, may then create a "blown" sensory-circuit( similar to a blown amp in a sound system), from an over-loaded input sensor in the brain, or a blown section in the cables to it( the nerves)...i suggest, that the practice of attaching a "static cable" to a burn-victim( in an unburned area of the body, near the injury), immediately, and then taking them to a completely "static-free" environment, as quickly as possible, may be of good use for this emergency( as, i believe that if the burnt skin heals, without the nerves directly beneath it being over-loaded, or "blown", from sustained over-volts, that the original "sensory function" of the skin, may be regained, after the healing process is complete...)...this concept is for the study of medical professionals, to chat about, and nothing more( do not try at home, or elsewhere, applies)--
the nerves--
a word about the nerves of the ear...if the cochlea does not fracture, when the ear endures an extreme sound/trauma, the nerves of the ear likely take the hit, this over-volt, from a huge spark being generated, as a result of a veery hard "tap" to the cochlea, will( in my opinion), blow the nerve...unfortunately, this hearing damage is probably irreversible, as i feel that the nerve will not grow back again, in the blown area, even if the portion of the nerve that blows, is in the receiving part of the brain...that i believe has multiple input possibilities( left/right + left/right)...meaning...stereo, on both sides( left, and right), and, the cochlea may have three nerves as well??( high-low-middle??)..so, i suggest, that once blown, "nary shall the twain they meet"...i hope i am mistaken...the "silver lining" seems to be, that there is potential for repairs to cracks within the cochlea...but, the nerves are probably gone, once overloaded( similar to the issue with the disease M.S., where constant "cross-firing" of nerves, blows them, from over-use, or over stimulation...)--
the sense of smell--
i am now seeing the "sensory node" within the nose( the roof of the sinus area), as a large "static generator", or "capacitor", working similar to the "mad scientist-bulbs" we see in the movies( Frankenstein...,ect...), the hairs within, may gather "static electricity", like when we see a person's hair "stand-on-end" when touching a "mad scientist-bulb"...this gained charge, would then be stored in the "sensory node", within the sinuses, and the variation of static charge generated( due to the insulating factors of the smell, or it's charge??), would be the means that the brain utilizes, to distinguish, or analyze smells...could this main "cap", or "static-generator", be the way that the brain obtains the "power" to send the "sparks", or signals, to actuate our muscles??...it comes from somewhere??...i further suggest, that it may be a combination of all sensory inputs, flowing to a main "cap"( possibly the brain stem, or the "sensory node" located within in our nose??), and the outputs( the use of the stored energy), is the motion of the body, and the actuation of it's many, many, muscles--
i feel that this B.S., may indeed be good B.S., and is a good conversation for you, your physician, and no-one else( don't try this at home, applies all-around...obviously)--
P.S. : i banged this thing out quick( damn-the spell-check, full speed ahead...)--
best wishes, john kruschke-- :o)