i stumbled upon a bit of a "wives-tale", being considered as a serious scientific theory today( possibly), i have not read the book to date...but, from a skimming of the cover, i believe the concept was this...
"the secret"--
if a person "thinks positive", good things will happen for them, and life will naturally "go their way", as positive thinking generates "positive out-comes"...in all cases, and so, those experiencing misfortune, are "thinking negative", and hence, are bringing forth the ill-will of destiny( by their own actions/thoughts)...really??...
my spin on the deal--
if we try to apply this notion in a scientific setting, to prove, or debunk the concept( my contention), the person that derived the theory, might, subject a person being studied to negative stimuli( to get them to think negative)...this, in it's self, is the end of the theory, entirely( for me)...as i feel that, any scientist that came up with a study this harsh on a subject( person/other), being studied, is clearly thinking negative himself...also, exposing the person to negative stimuli, to get them to think negative, means that the person was thinking "positively", prior to being studied...and, having negative stimuli dumped all over you, is not a positive result( of positive thinking)...at all...
the flip side--
i feel that a great way to study "the other side" of the theory( does a person whom thinks positively have positive results??), would be to give the clip-board to the "lab-rat" being tested, and toss the scientist on the "little wheel" that goes "round-and-round", for awhile...perhaps the new person holding the clip-board, will conclude, that "positive thinking" is turning the wheel, and a light-bulb, powered by a little generator, that is attached to the wheel that the scientist is running on, can be fashioned( so that correlations about "positive thinking", and the "expected output"... in watts, might then be gained??...), the experiment could go until the bulb burns out...unless the lab rat ordered more( positive thinking??)--
the silver lining--
being a complete jerk, might not yield the best results either...although "Scrooge", in the "Dickens tale" about him, was a bit of a bother...i doubt he could have saved as much money as was needed to save "tiny-tim" in the story, if he had not been so stingy beforehand( Scrooge, is a personal hero, for this aspect of his character)...Scrooge, discovers positive thinking can enhance a person's abilities to deal with others, and increase options, or the probability of them being presented...increased probability, not assuring them, and he knew a toughness was needed to hold them, when they arrived( in the many years past, and still today, the weak have held few things of high value, for long...despite our best efforts, though law)--
the skinny(for me)--
dare to think positive, even if the world is coming down around your ears...this seems to be the "secret", of serious value here, it may help, it may not...but you will feel better about the outcomes that arrive--
best wishes, john kruschke--
"the secret"--
if a person "thinks positive", good things will happen for them, and life will naturally "go their way", as positive thinking generates "positive out-comes"...in all cases, and so, those experiencing misfortune, are "thinking negative", and hence, are bringing forth the ill-will of destiny( by their own actions/thoughts)...really??...
my spin on the deal--
if we try to apply this notion in a scientific setting, to prove, or debunk the concept( my contention), the person that derived the theory, might, subject a person being studied to negative stimuli( to get them to think negative)...this, in it's self, is the end of the theory, entirely( for me)...as i feel that, any scientist that came up with a study this harsh on a subject( person/other), being studied, is clearly thinking negative himself...also, exposing the person to negative stimuli, to get them to think negative, means that the person was thinking "positively", prior to being studied...and, having negative stimuli dumped all over you, is not a positive result( of positive thinking)...at all...
the flip side--
i feel that a great way to study "the other side" of the theory( does a person whom thinks positively have positive results??), would be to give the clip-board to the "lab-rat" being tested, and toss the scientist on the "little wheel" that goes "round-and-round", for awhile...perhaps the new person holding the clip-board, will conclude, that "positive thinking" is turning the wheel, and a light-bulb, powered by a little generator, that is attached to the wheel that the scientist is running on, can be fashioned( so that correlations about "positive thinking", and the "expected output"... in watts, might then be gained??...), the experiment could go until the bulb burns out...unless the lab rat ordered more( positive thinking??)--
the silver lining--
being a complete jerk, might not yield the best results either...although "Scrooge", in the "Dickens tale" about him, was a bit of a bother...i doubt he could have saved as much money as was needed to save "tiny-tim" in the story, if he had not been so stingy beforehand( Scrooge, is a personal hero, for this aspect of his character)...Scrooge, discovers positive thinking can enhance a person's abilities to deal with others, and increase options, or the probability of them being presented...increased probability, not assuring them, and he knew a toughness was needed to hold them, when they arrived( in the many years past, and still today, the weak have held few things of high value, for long...despite our best efforts, though law)--
the skinny(for me)--
dare to think positive, even if the world is coming down around your ears...this seems to be the "secret", of serious value here, it may help, it may not...but you will feel better about the outcomes that arrive--
best wishes, john kruschke--
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