the "pancreas"--
i feel that this system has it's heart in a little thing some car-guys know about...the "venturi-effect", the photos below show, very well( particularly the "biliary tree" photo), that the first tube is generating vacuum above the lower tube, attached to the intestinal walls...this pulls "bile" from the excretion tube of the liver, and the "gall-bladder" bulb, into the "pancreas", where an infection likely ensues, converting the excretion, into a different substance, that is then re-injected, into the digestive system, for some beneficial reason...the suction of the "bile duct", from the "gall bladder", and liver, "firing", or rupturing, into the intestines, should also create a vacuum in that duct, that sucks the contents of the "pancreas", into the intestines, along with the "bile" from the liver, and the "gall bladder" for the function of the "gall badder", i am guessing that excretions from the liver remain in the tube, before being "fired" out of it, for quite some time, causing the contents within the tube to begin to "separate", allowing the lighter material to rise to the top of the tube again, and collect in the bulb of the "gall bladder"...where an infection begins, that is on-going...releasing it's contents, only when an over-pressure situation is reached, and it "fires"...the "systic duct", of the "gall bladder", also gives clues that this hypothesis is good, the tube squiggles from right, to left, allowing material that is lighter, to rise into it, and once inside, the fluids are hard to expel, as the corners anything must turn, to get in, or out, act like a "self", supporting the fluids weight, and impeding flow( due to the center of the tube being blocked, from flowing "straight-through" the duct, to the intestines, and "pancreas")...i suggest, that the "pancreas" has an input vein, from the heart, to keep it alive( see photo below), or to deposit material, within the "pancreas", from the incoming positive blood-flow, of the heart's "left ventricle"...this positive pressure, likely aids the "pancreas's" little "tubular-vacuum-bio-pump", "in-play", at the connection to the well as allowing the bodies immune system to send anti-bodies, to the "pancreas", to create the needed "systemic infection", that i believe refines the expulsions of the liver, and "gall bladder"--
the movement of stool, past the two holes, leading to the tubes of the "pancreas", and the liver/"gall bladder", within the intestines, might also create some vacuum, to draw material, from the tubes...similar to the "idle-ports" in a carburetor's vacuum system( a "venturi effect")--
more later, out of time at the library--
--i feel that this B.S., is good B.S., of use for starting a conversation with your doctor...and nothing more--
best wishes, john kruschke-- :o)
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