Wednesday, April 30, 2014

--the ankh--

    this is an earlier post about the Egyptian "surveying system"--

  here goes...

the ankh( the "key to life")--

   this is the staff i suggest was used to "sight square", from the two statues on either side of the opening, for the temple mentioned lining the "loop" up, with the light from the opening, and the "cross" of the staff, with the laps of the sitting figures, of the two statues( i feel that there were also two statues at the other entrance of the temple, but they were stolen), i additionally suggest/believe, that the "head-dress" on the person/surveyor, in the photo below, is to help ensure that the "surveyor's" shoulders are "square", to the statues, or "level"...this may also be the thing that the Egyptian pharaoh's  "head-dress" was depicting...showing that he was a "master surveyor", whom the system was derived from, entirely...although he had special slaves to do the busy-work of "surveying", he was the living example, of the highest level of the system--

   so, i will speculate on the origins of the entire system, right now...long before Egypt was a serious civilization, there were likely persons living individually, and scratching the dirt for little bits of food...and, at some point, someone discovered growing crops, but, little would grow, if anything...until another person discovered, that planting crops at a certain angle, to the sun, gave the best growth of the crops planted, and they flourished, attracting many others to the area, due to the plentiful amount of food, to be traded for( with labor, ect, ect...), and the civilized world was born, in one spot...eventually, someone derived a system to find the best angle to the sun no matter where you were on the earth( the system i am speculating on) that utilized a staff( the "ankh"), and a "surveyor"( the "pharaoh")...i suggest that the holder of this knowledge, to grow food enough for all to survive, would make the individual the most powerful person alive, at the time...and so, the system proliferated, to many areas of the region, with many "super colonies", all of which would have a "solar calendar", with a "sun-court", to know when to sow crops, and when to harvest them( the "temples")...i also believe, that each "super colony" had three "pyramids"( or, three large "monoliths"), for making roads that were at the best angle to the sun, to stay dry, as well as making them not "randomly intersect"( due to surveyors "sighting" the proper angle to the sun, for the road, or structure being built, by lining the three pyramids up, with a staff, that acted like a "weather-vane", and gave the angle)--

   in short, banishment from civilization without the system, meant death...meaning, that the slaves and others, were a kind-of "captive-audience"...until one day, the "pharaoh's" special "slave-surveyors"( the Jewish people), decided to leave...with the system, into the dessert, and they survived...eventually proliferating the system to every corner of the globe, allowing civilization to be possible, in all those places...with good roads, well lighted rooms, square buildings, and decent crops...

   whether you are a religious person, or no, the question is more about when did this transpire, than about if it happened at all...the bible says, "the world was made is seven days", a lot may have happened really fast, or, if you are of the evolutionary opinion, it happened really, really slowly...whatever the speed, i feel it all happened in Egypt, and creation as we know it, sprung from there, to the rest of the world, with the attributes of all human beings, adapting to the climate, and region, that they ended up dwelling in-- the end, and we were all happy-- :o)

best wishes, john kruschke--

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