here goes( i posted it to my facebook page first. i will spell-check in a while)--
John Kruschke
16 hours ago via Instagram · Edited
A flash in the pan...i just realized that the main portion of the brain is essentially an inverted small intestine...that works the same...except the contents are never voided...but, instead, continually extract nutrients from the "villi" within, to support the matter within the upper-portion of the brain, that creates, and maintains, the minds "tree-structure", that the body needs to function/think...making us who we are( our personality), and that the sinus cavity, is the vacuum source that pulls nutrient rich water into the upper portion of the brain( a very slight vacuum), from the base of the bottom of the brains "ventricle cavity", where the "pituitary gland" is located, into the upper brain structure( hydrating it, and supplying nutrients), and finally excretes tiny amounts of "by-products"( anti-bodies), back out the "penal gland"( when it ruptures), either from muscle constriction( fight or flight response/emotional distress), or from the slight vacuum in the "ventricle chamber"( creating a constant "sweating", or secretion, from the gland), working as a type of "bio-vacuum pump"...also, the fluid from the brain-stem might be combining with the excretions of the upper-brain, and firing the refined "by-product" into the "ventricle chamber", containing water that is being sterilized/processed, before being "wicked" into the upper-portion of the brain...
additionally, the "penal gland" can be seen the same as a simple priming pump, used in modern boat motors, where the "bulb", or gland, is naturally "at rest", when in the "expanded position", and when it "fires", or "ruptures", it naturally "wicks" fluid to itself( from both the brain-stem, and the upper-portion of the brain)...working as a small "bio-pump", that moves fluid from the brain-stem to the brains "central ventricle" area...i believe that the pituitary gland is the same, but fires into the back of the throat, and creates a vacuum draw, on the interior of the "ventricle cavity", extracting the contents that lay on the bottom of the cavity( due to specific gravity/weight), refilling the "pituitary", so it may fire again, if needed...finally, i suggest that the "penal gland" must fire very often, at a regular interval, to maintain the sterility of the water within the "central ventricle" of the brain, and that any blockage of the tubes to the gland, or loss of immune response within the gland, to refine the contents to be fired into the water of the chamber, will result in the death of the subject, from a brain infection, as a result of infected nutrient-rich water being drawn into the upper-portion of the brain--
the "thalamus", and the "hypo-thalamus"...i see from the photo, that the "thalamus" is more of an area that has been separated from fluid movement, due to a peninsula extending into the "pond", or "central ventricle", of the brain...i suggest, that this is designed to keep sudden movements from mixing the fluid within the "central ventricle", that is being refined, within the "thalamus's" boundaries( like a type of staging area)...separated, yet still allowing it to be replenished, with a fresh supply of fluid, keeping the "ventricle's" fluid separate, so that they will not be acted upon directly by the "thalamus"( likely an area of controlled infection, where a specific "by-product" is created, that settles to the "hypo-thalamus" area) for the water within the "ventricle" area, i feel it must secrete from somewhere, and be nutrient rich...leading me to conclude that the "central ventricle" chamber of the brain is where all of the chemicals of the brain are separated, and refined into usable "by-products" for the systems of the body/mind, so it might function...
lastly, i suggest that the tubes of the upper brain( the intestine-like material), acts like the intestines, in this manner...the heaviest matter within the tubes must lay against the bottom of the tubes, and, this dictates where "receptors" for those heavier materials, must form, on the interior surfaces of the brains tubes, due to the normal/regular direction of the earths gravitational pull...and this is the reason for certain quadrants of the mind being for certain skills, and why they are located in a particular area of the brains structure( since, matter within a tube, that has separated into layers, like "sediment" in a fluid, forces the lighter material to contact the top of the tube, and the heavier matter to rest on the bottom)--
best wishes, john kruschke...
i feel that this B.S., is primo-stuff, of use to start a conversation with your doctor, and nothing more...
(6 photos)16 hours ago via Instagram · Edited
A flash in the pan...i just realized that the main portion of the brain is essentially an inverted small intestine...that works the same...except the contents are never voided...but, instead, continually extract nutrients from the "villi" within, to support the matter within the upper-portion of the brain, that creates, and maintains, the minds "tree-structure", that the body needs to function/think...making us who we are( our personality), and that the sinus cavity, is the vacuum source that pulls nutrient rich water into the upper portion of the brain( a very slight vacuum), from the base of the bottom of the brains "ventricle cavity", where the "pituitary gland" is located, into the upper brain structure( hydrating it, and supplying nutrients), and finally excretes tiny amounts of "by-products"( anti-bodies), back out the "penal gland"( when it ruptures), either from muscle constriction( fight or flight response/emotional distress), or from the slight vacuum in the "ventricle chamber"( creating a constant "sweating", or secretion, from the gland), working as a type of "bio-vacuum pump"...also, the fluid from the brain-stem might be combining with the excretions of the upper-brain, and firing the refined "by-product" into the "ventricle chamber", containing water that is being sterilized/processed, before being "wicked" into the upper-portion of the brain...
additionally, the "penal gland" can be seen the same as a simple priming pump, used in modern boat motors, where the "bulb", or gland, is naturally "at rest", when in the "expanded position", and when it "fires", or "ruptures", it naturally "wicks" fluid to itself( from both the brain-stem, and the upper-portion of the brain)...working as a small "bio-pump", that moves fluid from the brain-stem to the brains "central ventricle" area...i believe that the pituitary gland is the same, but fires into the back of the throat, and creates a vacuum draw, on the interior of the "ventricle cavity", extracting the contents that lay on the bottom of the cavity( due to specific gravity/weight), refilling the "pituitary", so it may fire again, if needed...finally, i suggest that the "penal gland" must fire very often, at a regular interval, to maintain the sterility of the water within the "central ventricle" of the brain, and that any blockage of the tubes to the gland, or loss of immune response within the gland, to refine the contents to be fired into the water of the chamber, will result in the death of the subject, from a brain infection, as a result of infected nutrient-rich water being drawn into the upper-portion of the brain--
the "thalamus", and the "hypo-thalamus"...i see from the photo, that the "thalamus" is more of an area that has been separated from fluid movement, due to a peninsula extending into the "pond", or "central ventricle", of the brain...i suggest, that this is designed to keep sudden movements from mixing the fluid within the "central ventricle", that is being refined, within the "thalamus's" boundaries( like a type of staging area)...separated, yet still allowing it to be replenished, with a fresh supply of fluid, keeping the "ventricle's" fluid separate, so that they will not be acted upon directly by the "thalamus"( likely an area of controlled infection, where a specific "by-product" is created, that settles to the "hypo-thalamus" area) for the water within the "ventricle" area, i feel it must secrete from somewhere, and be nutrient rich...leading me to conclude that the "central ventricle" chamber of the brain is where all of the chemicals of the brain are separated, and refined into usable "by-products" for the systems of the body/mind, so it might function...
lastly, i suggest that the tubes of the upper brain( the intestine-like material), acts like the intestines, in this manner...the heaviest matter within the tubes must lay against the bottom of the tubes, and, this dictates where "receptors" for those heavier materials, must form, on the interior surfaces of the brains tubes, due to the normal/regular direction of the earths gravitational pull...and this is the reason for certain quadrants of the mind being for certain skills, and why they are located in a particular area of the brains structure( since, matter within a tube, that has separated into layers, like "sediment" in a fluid, forces the lighter material to contact the top of the tube, and the heavier matter to rest on the bottom)--
best wishes, john kruschke...
i feel that this B.S., is primo-stuff, of use to start a conversation with your doctor, and nothing more...

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