Saturday, January 14, 2012

--body metabalization rate/ daily caloric intake requirements--

 the concept--

   if a person is put in an environment that is well below 98.6 degrees F, (37 degrees F as an example), and then the amount of time it takes for the subject's temperature to drop, two degrees, is measured, then the total calories, per-minute/per-hour/per-day can be more precisely calculated( math later)--

   the math i had worked out for this was on a piece of paper( one of my pay-stubs form my last job), if found, my name is on there...there is also a poem, or "koan" on it, i think i lost it at the library??...
i'm sure it will turn up( somewhere)--

 --i will re-crunch those numbers soon,( don't worry everybody)--


  this, along with the amount of time it takes for a person to both consume, and move, food through the digestive system, until voided, can be used to calculate the rate of the waves in the gut( villi), moving the nutrients/waste(stool)--


  i suggest, that in the case if a person with gluten intolerance, or colitis( a person with a lack of viable receptors in the gut), that their digestive system might be able to be "retrained", via a "cellular retraining" technique...see "cellular retraining post"--

  best wishes, john kruschke--

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