Saturday, January 14, 2012

--cellular retraining techniques--

  parkinson's( as an example)--

   parkinson's, as i have read, is essentially a low number of "dopamine" receptors( happy feelings receptors), on the cell, i also once read, that "serotonin", is the opposite receptor( a depressant receptor)--

   so, the balance between the amount of the two types, is unequal, for a person with this condition( parkinson's) is an example...if you are in a storm, with two colors of raindrops( red and blue), and you have an umbrella, with little guys on top of it, that have cups, one catcher for each color of is red, and one is blue, they both only catch the drops that are of their color, to be thrown over the side, so you don't get wet--

   if it starts to rain mostly blue raindrops( stimulants/happy feelings), the foreman( the cell), tells some of the red raindrop catchers to "take five"( union labor), to adjust to the change in the shower( incoming "dopamine"/"serotonin" levels)... at this time, the red catchers( "dopamine"), are replaced with the same amount of blue compensate...i believe this model is the same as seen in the human body, except inverted...

  meaning, too much "dopamine", bombarding the cell, causes their to be less "dopamine" receptors, and more "serotonin" receptors, to maintain the balance of both chemicals entering the cell--

  i feel this excess "serotonin" receptor condition might be reversed, or the cell "retrained", by adding more "serotonin" bombarding the cell( more blue raindrops in the shower), to cause more "dopamine" receptors to form...if this idea is sound, i predict a state of depression would likely ensue, after a person has developed parkinson's( not sure if this is the case), from an imbalance, of "dopamine" and "serotonin" receptors, i feel this condition could be from an over-exposure to "dopamine" (stimulants)...


   the principal "in-play", is that the cell will always try to maintain a balance, or equilibrium,
of both "dopamine", and "serotonin"( by modifying the number of each type of receptor)...

   in this way, depression could also be characterized as the body craving more "serotonin", from the body adjusting slowly, to the constant, unequal, high "serotonin" levels, from the reoccurring bad thoughts--

   this could also show why when a person with "ADD" is given "riddlin"( a stimulant), it calms them down, via causing more "serotonin" receptors to form...and possibly why, having a good cry, and "letting it all out", works( the intense sadness, suddenly increases "serotonin" levels, resulting in/creating more "dopamine" receptors, afterward, these high levels abruptly cease)...the clipping of these incoming high levels of "serotonin", leaves an equal amount of "dopamine" and "serotonin" receptors on the cell, or cells...and, since the person has "let go of the hurt", or no longer is traumatized, by the bad memory, or trauma...high amounts of "serotonin" bombarding the cell, cease...and levels of "dopamine", and "serotonin" equalize( the person feels better)--


   could it be...that ingesting foods with "tryptophan"( turkey), or viewing sad movies( choose your favorite), that increase "serotonin" levels, and abruptly stop( item is digested, or movie ends), might cause a person with receptor imbalance( parkinson's), to feel better??( i have not yet tested this concept...ask your doctor)--

 cellular retraining example--colitis/gluten intolerance( wilty's keeper issue)--

    i suggest, that in a patient with "colitis", the receptors in the gut are less, hence the gut moves the stool through the body more slowly...

 visualizing the issue--

   when we envision these receptors in the intestinal tract, as hands, catching fish in a stream, we can see that a person with "colitis" has a reduced number of hands along the bank( receptors), to catch the fish( nutrients) response, the body moves the river very slowly, to allow the small number of hands more time, to catch the needed value of fish...

  the answer--
  if the river( nutrients in the gut), moves more rapidly( via a natural laxative), less fish are able to be caught for counter-act this condition, i suggest the body might attempt to slow the river initially, but then, would produce more hands( receptors), to catch more fish, as less fish are being caught( low caloric intake), due to the gut moving too rapidly( faster stream), to catch the daily amount of fish the body this way, i feel the intestinal tract can be "retrained", to generate more receptors, to gather nutrients, resulting in healthy gut-function, and movement( speed)--

   --(a few parting thoughts for those experiencing unequal raindrop precipitation)--

    the "miyagi principal" ( find-a-balance)

   --all things find level..."all things flow from an area of greater concentration to a lesser, until they equalize"...a balance is natures way--

                                                                            --best wishes, john kruschke--

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