velocity calc--
(pounds) (distance) (foot-pounds)
(weight) - (in atmo) = (force) (distance to geo-sync atmo)
100 - 1 = 99
(foot-pounds) (foot-pounds per-sec)
( force) % (sec) = (force per second)--
99 % 60 = 1.65
(foot-pounds per sec) (feet) (inertia x sec)
( force per sec, per sec) x (distance) = (velocity)
1.65 100 = 165
(velocity) % (sec) = (sec to bird-feeder)
165 % 60 = 2.75
calc to mph--
(1 mile in feet) % (distance) (multiplier)
5280 % 100 = 528
(multiplier) (sec to bird-feeder) (sec to reach 1 mile)
528 x 2.75 = 1452
(sec to reach 1 mile) % (sec in 1 hour) = (un-modified mph) (deploy decimal putting)
1452 % 3600 = 0.40333 (system, bang right 2 )
(first put)
(un-modified mph) = (mod-tenths)
0.40333 = 4.0333
(second put)
(mod-hundredths) = (mph)
4.0333 = 40.333
velocity calc w/drag(skydiving)--
the problem...
200 pound man(all gear included), with a 2000 square inch parachute(open), dropping 100 feet = how much time to "bird-feeder", and how fast does he drop--
(pounds) (pounds) (pounds)
(weight % sq inches) = (drag) + (weight) = (square-weight)
200 % 2000 = -10 + 200 = 190
(pounds) (distance) (sq foot-pounds)
(sq-weight ) - (in atmo) = (force)
190 1 = 189
(sq foot-pounds) (sq foot-pounds per sec)
(force) % (sec) = (sq force per sec)
189 % 60 4.8333
(sq foot-pounds) x (feet)
(sq force per sec) x (distance) = (velocity)
4.8333 100 148.333
(velocity) % (sec) = (sec to bird-feeder)
148.33 % 60 = 4.41666
calc to mph--
(1 mile in feet) % (distance) (multiplier)
5280 % 100 = 528
(multiplier) x (sec to bird-feeder) = (sec to reach 1 mile)
528 x 4.41666 = 119.54735
(sec to reach 1 mile) % (sec in 1 hour) = (un-modified mph) (deploy decimal putting)
119.54735 % 3600 = 0.0332 (system, bang right 2)
(first put)
(un-modified mph) = (mod-tenths)
0.0332 = 0.332
(second put)
(mod-hundredths) = (mph)
0.332 = 3.32
it seems the decimal must be banged back over two places, to the right(once for each place, in the feet catagory)--
seconds to bird-feeder = 4.41666 (sec)
speed = 3.32 (mph)
best wishes, john kruschke--
this one is good, but i am still tiding up the post so it reads easy...more later(out of time at the library)--
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